Nothing loading (MAC)

Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cumberdale.3950


Trying to access the gem store these past few days has been impossible. Just a big fat spinning yellow circle. Turns out it’s not just the gem store tab, but it’s all three (?) tabs on the Black Lion Trading Co. screen; nothing changes and they just show a spinning circle.
I’ve been able to access it in the past, even though loading times are always ridiculously long for me, but now nothing is happening at all.
Any insight?


Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Trying to access the gem store these past few days has been impossible. Just a big fat spinning yellow circle. Turns out it’s not just the gem store tab, but it’s all three (?) tabs on the Black Lion Trading Co. screen; nothing changes and they just show a spinning circle.
I’ve been able to access it in the past, even though loading times are always ridiculously long for me, but now nothing is happening at all.
Any insight?

Check out the bug forums, and the mac support forums. I’ve seen several others having similar issues, and the answer would be in one of those spots.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cumberdale.3950


Honestly, the Mac Support forum seems like a graveyard for questions. It’s basically a field of technical issues and once in a while the advice is “we can’t do anything about it”. Seems like the Mac Beta has different errors for every single mac user. I’ve tried a couple of the workarounds that I found in posts that were a few months old, but to no avail. There are suggestions for deleting files or folders that don’t even exist on my system.

Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Atmos.8105


Uninstall Gw2
Reinstall Gw2

From a fellow MACey

Nothing loading (MAC)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

Trying to access the gem store these past few days has been impossible. Just a big fat spinning yellow circle. Turns out it’s not just the gem store tab, but it’s all three (?) tabs on the Black Lion Trading Co. screen; nothing changes and they just show a spinning circle.
I’ve been able to access it in the past, even though loading times are always ridiculously long for me, but now nothing is happening at all.
Any insight?

Check out the bug forums, and the mac support forums. I’ve seen several others having similar issues, and the answer would be in one of those spots.

Agree – that is good advice.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events