Opinions, best way to make money on the TP
it’s a bit complicated so stay with me. you buy something and then you sell it for more than you bought it for.
Don’t forget that you have a 15% sell tax.
There is no fool-proof way of making gold on the TP. If there was, everyone would be rich.
Basically it comes down to three things:
1. Find your niché.
2. The more gold you have, the more gold you can make.
3. Psychology.
Flip items that cost 85% less then the average price. Use buy orders to get items and sell the items for 120% more then that buy order to profit. Sell stuff based off of your estimate profit percentage.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Because you are new to the TP, to make gold in the trading post first of all you have gain awareness. Start by looking at the trading post trends and expectations. What have low and high demands and how these demands will shift over the time. Obviously there are no 100% certain on these items as they are constrained by ANet’s updates, but that’s how the speculation market works.
Second, you have to realize that big money with nearly no effort is really hard to achieve and the higher the profit, higher the risk. So, don’t start flipping high valued items because you might end up loosing gold!
Third, you have to know how the trading post works. Everything you use costs gold! Sometimes it’s better to sell the items (like the crafting materials) individually rather than transform them into a higher valued item (that will net you lower profit).
Make a profit check on all individual items before transform them with :
Profit = 0.85 * Sell price – Cost(buy orders) to see if it’s worth the work!
Also, time costs gold also. If you are spending one day of work for 10g, than it’s not worth the cost! You can easy make that amount in CoF Speedruns with gold increase consumables and items in way less time!
Trading post real profit is a DO → REPEAT process over and over. Don’t expect to play it once and earn significant amount of gold! Simply you will fail with this logic!
Also, don’t forget Market is global across servers and not server specific. The chances of the item being sold are increadibly higher due to amount of players, cultural differences, etc, etc.
Last of my advice. Don’t put all of the eggs in the same basket! Find 4 or 5 items that you can earn gold instead of only one. If that item supply increases or it’s demand decreases you may lose all your gold!
what % profit returns is good to sell? 15%?
awesome answer and thank you for the time taken LHound
it’s a bit complicated so stay with me. you buy something and then you sell it for more than you bought it for.
short answer:
research which items can earn gold. buy low and sell high.. which items of course people wont be able to tell u, cos if ur too lazy to even research.. then i dont think TP is a good place for you haha.
2nd legendary – Sunrise 1330hours (leina proudmoore, Guardian)
3rd legendary – twilight in progress
what % profit returns is good to sell? 15%?
It’s volatile, but as what Warren Buffet had said, “Rule number 1, never lose money. Rule number 2, never forget rule number 1.”
A key principle used by all successful entrepreneurs, traders and speculators is “affordable loss”. The principle of affordable loss means: invest only as much as you can afford to lose at the time and still stay in business. Stick to this principle as you try out different tactics for making money on the TP and you’ll benefit from the ones that work out for you and survive the ones that don’t.