Orrian truffle price plummet
This is purely speculation, but it’s possible that the revamped Orr (which includes reduced enemy density and CC) has drawn more people into the zones where truffles are obtained, and therefore supply has increased.
This seems to jive with gw2spidy, which indicates that supply (sell order volume) has approximately tripled since 28 Jan.
Thank you. That would probably explain it. Glad I sold the ones I did before it happened
Actually it’s not really a result of the return to Orr. If you bring out the month chart from Spidy, the price prior to January 26 had been a fairly stable (although rising) 0.8s to 1.2s for a long long time. It spiked all the way up to about 3s for a few hours between 1/26 and 1/28 and has come back down to a reasonable price since.