Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ailsan.6327


This is a minor gripe, but I get annoyed when I go to list something and see that someone is offering 1c for it. I mean, even if I WANTED to be generous and sell it for 1c, the system doesn’t ALLOW me to sell it for less than vendor price. So wouldn’t it make sense to make it impossible to OFFER less than vendor price?

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Entity.3408


I concur.

Message Body length must at least be 15.

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SparkStormrider.4512


I have wondered this myself. If the TP won’t allow me to sell for below vendor price, then why does the TP allow you to post a bid under vendors??? Hopefully this is being addressed by Anet.

In war the worst thing you could do is die for your country, make the other jerk die for his!

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


I concur and whole heartily agree. This is annoying thing to have and should have been prevented from the start.

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: teviko.6049


I agree. My friend has a conjecture why people do this.

They are hoping to find, exploit, or create an exploit where items can be undersold, and if people are not paying attention, actually see things under market value.

Positng for less than market value should be forbidden.

Please make it impossible to offer less than vendor price for items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: illgot.1056


it’s a bug in their system, much like posting soulbound items on the TP.

As for the issue of allowing people to buy and sell below vender price, why not? Doing so does not generate anymore money than if a person were to vender the item themselves, and actually has the bonus of creating a 15% money sink based on the items sale price.