Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to actually throw money at this game and yet I was constantly met with card authorization failure. I put this all down to the fact that there were billing issues and TP problems up until just now when the TP returned.

I went digging through the forum (not to mention the FAQ on Support) to find someone who is having a similar problem and received an e-mail from support saying they cannot authorize transactions outside the country the credit card resides. Seriously, if I had known this it would have saved a lot of time. I’m a world traveller and seeing my cards being declined over security measures really annoys me. As far as I’m aware, I set up my account and purchased the digital copy in the UK. I’ll be back in the UK in 2 days and I will try my card from there. I’d rather not use my Qatari account and maybe involve myself in “unsafe transactions” and altogether lock myself out of purchasing gems.

And no offense Arenanet, I didn’t want to bother your support team over my issue because I had a feeling that this was the problem. This type of information would be very handy and possibly relieve your support team of some typing. If my cards don’t work in the UK, then I will definitely file a support ticket.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


Well just to update and bump this, I am now in the UK and I’m still unable to purchase gems through any credit card, debit card (failed autorization) and even PayPal (error finalising purchase).

I’ve also noticed other people expressing the same problems where literally every type of transaction is not working for them. However my whole guild has been unaffected.

Support ticket sent. 120922-007064.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jackalen.5698


I wonder if one can go around this issue by redeeming gemcard codes that you can buy from retail stores?

Or maybe it just is impossible to give money to Anet… its hopeless, i’m losing it. The mere thought of these “SHACKLES” that are preventing me from purchasing gems is making me feel confused, frustrated, angry, sad and hopeless at the same time.

I’m sure many feels the same way. I just want to buy what i want, let me do that please.

“There are man-eating predators in the forest, Professor Dunkland!”
“Whats your point Mr. Strathorn?”
“Burn the forest down, i don’t like man eating things.”
“But… Mr Strathorn, not all animals eats humans. We can’t burn the whole forest down, we would be killing good natured animals for no good reason!”
“The whole jungle is dangerous beacuse of those predators, burn it all down i say, everything will be much safer after the fires. Now go fetch me some tea and cookies.”

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: megrim.3189


I’ve somehow ended up on the ‘restricted purchase’ list. It is beyond frustrating and only made worse by a total and complete lack of clarity on Anet’s part. I didn’t even know these security measures existed until I contacted support and then had to Google to find more info.

My partner and I have plenty of expendable income, we enjoy supporting games we like. But until something is changed here I’ll be giving my money to Riot – they have no problems accepting my cash XD

Seriously though, there has to be a better way than emailing support every time I want to buy gems so they can give me a 24 hour window in which to purchase. It’s awfully irritating for me and has to be a drain on the already over-worked support guys.

To top it off, the lack of clarity is just plain unprofessional. Not what I’ve come to expect from 6 years plus of happy gaming with Anet.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


Happening to me as well…

Can’t give my money to Anet…starting to not even want to anymore.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Neruda.9701


Serious, I think no one can actually buy Gems. These so called restrictions are no more than excuses made as usual to cover up what actually does not work. After several days of atempts I contacted my Bank( same country card blablablabl) and they informed me, they have not even received a request for any transaction, the same applied to paypal.
Bottom line is,,,our atempts are not even going through to paypal/Banks.
Id like to add that on this same card I purchased 2 copies of the game and have bought Gems several times……..

Wonder what excuse I would receive if I sent in another ticket ??? Cuz the last one,,,nearly a week ago, Ims till waiting for an answer.

I guess what we all trying to say is very simple: Cut out the crap( excuse my french) and tell us exactly what is wrong and when can we expect to be able to GIVE you our money ??? Just a simple honest answer will do. Even a " we dont know whats wrong but we trying to figure it out"

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fate.8034


My only issue is that I refuse to spend in-game gold just for more bank space, because the conversion cost is SO high right now, purchasing gems would just make it easier.

Would also mean I can use that in-game gold on what it’s intended for, levelling crafting, buying runes/weapons etc.

A few of my guildies have been able to purchase through credit cards as well as PayPal quite recently, which is what’s annoying me. Yesterday guildie even bought 800 gems to test and it went through instantly.

I’m starting to think this restriction is a lot more widespread as we think, and possibly a broken algorithm, I have already purchased my GW2 digital copy from them with my cards, not to mention it’s the same account I used for GW1 purchases as well (ingame store). And like it’s been mentioned, PayPal shouldn’t even be part of this “restriction”. PayPal accounts verify each account and bank account tied to each one.

To be honest, I can’t really continue playing on my Guardian because of the amount of stuff I need to keep on myself (rare crafting materials, other weapons to swap with, tonics, collecting exotics/rares for the mystic forge, tokens), I’m forced to start with a fresh character and stall my end-game progression, I’m only just going to acquire even more items to be kept.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grimrah.9256


I have tried CS tickets , twitter, Facebook anything to get them to address this issue and they are totally ignoring the elephant in the living room.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stigma.9327


Well, just tried to use three credit cards. All failed. Guess I’m in the same boat.

Please provide more clarity on gem purchase...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Same happening to me. Starting to consider giving my money to the bots and purchase gems with gold

EDIT: My ticket: 121005-002941 (sent it to spanish support but can open a new english one if needed)

(edited by Erhnam.5732)