Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


dont buy it them, its not compulsory.

This reads as “If you don’t like the price, you’re not allowed to say so,” which is strange for a discussion forum about the game.

What’s wrong with saying, “The price of these items is high”?

Nothing wrong with stating an opinion on the price of these picks, but as they have a cosmetic value in addition to their convenience value, don’t be surprised if others values them differently.

As for the matter of account bound vs. soul bound, it’s possible that the cosmetic factor played a part in ANet’s decision to make them soul bound (I’m unaware of any equipable cosmetic items in the game that aren’t soul bound).

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Nothing wrong with stating an opinion on the price of these picks, but as they have a cosmetic value in addition to their convenience value, don’t be surprised if others values them differently.

Only a fool would be surprised that others think differently on a game forum.

We’d all do well to mentally put a little “IMO” after every post.

“Molten axe prices are exorbitant” (IMO)

“Their price is fine for a cosmetic, convenience item” (IMO)

As for the matter of account bound vs. soul bound, it’s possible that the cosmetic factor played a part in ANet’s decision to make them soul bound (I’m unaware of any equipable cosmetic items in the game that aren’t soul bound).


There was a time when dye unlocks were going to be account wide. That was, admittedly, before the game launched.

The simplest answer is that they are probably soulbound rather than accountbound because the money people expect that it will bring in more revenue that way.

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kaon.7192


As someone else mentioned earlier, the prices on these are justified given that it allows you to completely plug off a gold sink from the game.

If its costs were any more accessible, its impact on the economy could become quite significant.

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dimlor.8203


The price seems absolutely fine for an item that is unlimited.. I only use one character to mine/gather anyway. 800 gems for a pickaxe that will save me hundreds of gold through the time I play seems pretty fine to me. And it is the highest tier pickaxe as well, idk what else you could ask for. Account bound? No thanks, it is an infinite item, how often do you get that kind of item in game? $10 for an unlimited item, pfft $10 bucks can’t even buy me a pizza, or a video game, or a fast food meal anymore. Enjoy it while it lasts.

A year from now people will be in game wishing there was a permanent version of the pickaxe that didn’t cost karma or gold to buy every time. And we will refer them to this moment and they will say “Well crap that’s not fair, you all got such an amazing item and we are out of luck..” The only thing better I can think of would be a BL Salvage kit with unlimited uses, now that would be OP lol. And guaranteed I’d spend almost any amount to get it because I would make my money back so very fast :P But of course that would be game breakingly bad heh. Thanks Anet for the awesome item, the dyes on the other hand.. no luck yet.

Where do you buy your pizza?
With 10€ I can get a nice pizza, some fries a beer/soft beverage and ALSO some a nice cup of hot coffee…

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Where do you buy your pizza?
With 10€ I can get a nice pizza, some fries a beer/soft beverage and ALSO some a nice cup of hot coffee…

10€ != $10

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


The price seems absolutely fine for an item that is unlimited.. I only use one character to mine/gather anyway. 800 gems for a pickaxe that will save me hundreds of gold through the time I play seems pretty fine to me. And it is the highest tier pickaxe as well, idk what else you could ask for. Account bound? No thanks, it is an infinite item, how often do you get that kind of item in game? $10 for an unlimited item, pfft $10 bucks can’t even buy me a pizza, or a video game, or a fast food meal anymore. Enjoy it while it lasts.

A year from now people will be in game wishing there was a permanent version of the pickaxe that didn’t cost karma or gold to buy every time. And we will refer them to this moment and they will say “Well crap that’s not fair, you all got such an amazing item and we are out of luck..” The only thing better I can think of would be a BL Salvage kit with unlimited uses, now that would be OP lol. And guaranteed I’d spend almost any amount to get it because I would make my money back so very fast :P But of course that would be game breakingly bad heh. Thanks Anet for the awesome item, the dyes on the other hand.. no luck yet.

Where do you buy your pizza?
With 10€ I can get a nice pizza, some fries a beer/soft beverage and ALSO some a nice cup of hot coffee…

I think thats euro yes? That is $13.14USD. 10 pounds is $15.32. I’m talking real NY pizza, not dominos :P But yes, economy’s differ. Also I’m talking 18" pizzas, not those dinky things at small shops :P

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Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Where do you buy your pizza?
With 10€ I can get a nice pizza, some fries a beer/soft beverage and ALSO some a nice cup of hot coffee…

10€ != $10

Kitten you for reminding me I have programming homework to do…

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


dont buy it them, its not compulsory.

This reads as “If you don’t like the price, you’re not allowed to say so,” which is strange for a discussion forum about the game.

What’s wrong with saying, “The price of these items is high”?

nothing is wrong with it.,

But its kind of a pointless arguement. If the price is too high, dont buy it, you lose nothing, infact you can probably buy more normal picks with the equivalent gold than you would ever use, so you get a better deal.

Its purely cosmetic, and people will pay (and are paying) so I dont think its over priced at all, the market is willing to pay for it, and thats teh only metric which matters.

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

The price isnt high in my opinion but with alts its a bit of a problem too. 10 euros I paid happily. Infact I had gems to buy it but still forked the money just to promote future items like that. It did leave me a bit sad though cause I applied it to my main but am currently leveling alts so I will not get to use it much and thats a shame. Perhaps a good idea would be to have 2 versions 1 thats soul bound for 800 gems and one thats account bound for more. I would be willing to pay 1200 gems… even 1600 gems on a good month if it were account bound. Anyone else would go for something like that?

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Havana.8625


Three requests from me: Accountbound, accountbound, accountbound! I like playing each of my toons, and it’s too much for me to make big purchases for just one character. I guess some people will buy the pick for all 8 professions (or more if they double up with two or more characters of one profession) but I wonder if that minority really makes it worth it. Normal picks are accountbound. It would have been nice for me if this was too.

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ripred.4605


So Arenanet finally makes something useful that’s not RNG and has an AWESOME use and cool effects. What’s the first thing they get? not a “thank you” or “you’re awesome!”. no. They get everyone asking for the thing to be account bound. Really people? bah… Kittens gonna kitten…

Stop calling me a cat! I’m obviously an over sized combat kitten…

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Plastered.2315


Here is the thing.

If the product is not priced right it will sell poorly.

While this is a kool item i have only seen it a dozed of time on my server .

I would gladly spend 10-12$ if it is account bound or I would spend 1-2$ is its a soulbound. Anet is missing alot in sales. Instead of getting my money and money of my guildies , they get $0 from us.

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Here is the thing.

If the product is not priced right it will sell poorly.

While this is a kool item i have only seen it a dozed of time on my server .

I would gladly spend 10-12$ if it is account bound or I would spend 1-2$ is its a soulbound. Anet is missing alot in sales. Instead of getting my money and money of my guildies , they get $0 from us.

From what I have seen it is selling amazingly well.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

Plz make Molten Pickaxe Account bound

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Miserymachine.7512


I love reading these threads and hearing all the people theorycrafting the break even point for buying one of these. /facepalm

Come on guys, it’s a game and the item is cool as hell. It’s one last consumable you’ll have to maintain. It has a wicked animation. And while, yes it would be cooler to be account bound, it’s still a great buy.