Precursor Acquisition - a different approach

Precursor Acquisition - a different approach

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


DISCLAIMER: I am probably talking utter nonsense, if so please ignore me, but if there is some truth to this please reply your thoughts/opinions

The question “what is the best way to get a precursor” has been asked many times, but any answer is merely speculation and assumption based on peoples opinions from what they have seen/heard other players experiencing.
Arena net are never going to tell us which is the most efficient (time/money) way to grind for a precursor, so let’s use some logical deduction. (correct me if I’m wrong in any of this logic)

It’s common knowledge from reports of players who have obtained a precursor weapon, that they can come from anything which has a chance to give you a level 80 exotic weapon. (CS zone completion unconfirmed, I always get exotic armour personally)

So this mean the actual chance of getting a precursor must be calculated after the chance of first getting an exotic (as precursors have a lower drop rate than exotics, but are classed as an exotic item)

To backup/verify this calculation, Arena net have already stated that you have a higher chance of getting a precursor from the mystic forge from throwing in exotics, as opposed to rares. This must be because there is 100% chance of getting an exotic from throwing in exotics (you can’t get a lesser quality item out than u put in) so there is only one calculation remaining (precursor: y/n).

Most of the event hunters like myself have probably noticed more exotics coming from daily bonus chests or the actual spawned/lootable chests themselves, than any other mob killed/chest looted in the open world/dungeons.

So this would conclude logically, that the best (most efficient) time/money way to get a precursor is just farming these events 24/7 with as many level 80 alts possible using the guesting function and, isn’t it?

note: you will only get an event bonus chest once per day, per account, but spawned lootable chests are once per character, per day


if you know of a better/more efficient way to farm exotic weapons that is not already stated, please specify details, thanks!

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Precursor Acquisition - a different approach

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


I personally don’t notice any more exotics from metaevent farming, especially since MF does not affect chests.

I’m a big believer that MF increases you chances at exotics ( see sig). So if it were possible to find an event that you could farm plenty of mobs for, that’s the best place to get exotics.

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Magic find works.

Precursor Acquisition - a different approach

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Empressium.5482


farm specific dungeon chest that peeps already showed it spits precursors like cof1 acolyte chest, ta giant wurm chest and i forgot which one in ac

Precursor Acquisition - a different approach

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kareth.6572


" the most efficient (time/money) " – as this is the factor, the obvious answer is TP. The only thing u have to do is spending 3×10mins a day to remake ur offers, and you can easily earn 100g per week. Increasing the frequency of reseting offers can do more than doubling above value. This way you can do whatever u always do in the game and step into BLTC from time to time and cash is urs to buy precursor. The most efficent, the safest and not frustrating at all compared to all RNG ways ^^