Precursor/Legendary TP prices ? What gives ?
What happened is that the world keeps spinning while you were gone. The economy is just fine, because people who have been playing in the time that you left accumulated wealth. So while you were probably ok at the time you took a break, you had no chance to keep up with the wealth accumulation. New content came out. New reward opportunities. Etc.
And no, rich people had nothing to do with the price increases.
Bro dont tell me that the players have enriched since anet basically nerfed every spot in the game besides the farm train in EOTM , yea im not out of the loop even if im on a big brake. The tp prices are obviously controlled since 2 weeks ago the prices we’re twice lower then they are now.
It puts me off the game anywayz cba with this economy
Bro dont tell me that the players have enriched since anet basically nerfed every spot in the game besides the farm train in EOTM , yea im not out of the loop even if im on a big brake. The tp prices are obviously controlled since 2 weeks ago the prices we’re twice lower then they are now.
It puts me off the game anywayz cba with this economy
the average guy got a little richer, the upper class dudes got a lot richer. The wealth disparity continues to grow, and these items are marketed to the upper class gold wise. Also the fact that nothing suggests precursor quests anytime soon, probably caused them to go back up to their higher price.
High end items will continue to rise at a rate higher than you can earn(especially if yu take a break), unless you start focusing on gold aquisition.
This is the system as the devs prefer it, based on the fact that they have not changed it in 2 years
Wardrobe is why the precursor prices jumped. Their is an illusion of control over various markets on the TP. No one can control a market for a prolong amount of time before the prices hit their equilibrium again.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Why do people blame the economy when there are other factors that happened? Educate yourself about the updates since your 4-5 month break instead of blanketing everything because of flippers and rich people.
Why do people blame the economy when there are other factors that happened? Educate yourself about the updates since your 4-5 month break instead of blanketing everything because of flippers and rich people.
blaming the economy is correct, blaming flippers or rich people, is kind of pointless, they are just water following the paths set before them.
what i mean by blaming the economy, is that ultimately, the prices are high because thats what the economy can bear, and thats how an item with this current implementation will fit into this economy.
Im not saying people dont every try to manipulate, or control the market, but those are generally relatively short term, and would probably only allow them to get like 10% higher over a short period.
So yes, if you have a problem then the problem is the economy, its the price of precursors right now, is a natural result of the structures we currently have.
Oh comon you know perfectly what I meant
Demand went up.
Supply is constant.
Therefore, prices went up.
The demand went up due to the new wardrobe system which makes it possible to use legendary skins on multiple characters.
Bro dont tell me that the players have enriched since anet basically nerfed every spot in the game besides the farm train in EOTM , yea im not out of the loop even if im on a big brake. The tp prices are obviously controlled since 2 weeks ago the prices we’re twice lower then they are now.
It puts me off the game anywayz cba with this economy
Please don’t blame us for your 5 month break. If you didn’t want to be in the position you’re at now, you should have kept playing. By not playing, you missed out on a LOT of game time that could have been used to increase your personal wealth.
And FYI – if you decide to take another break, I can promise you that you’ll be much further off than you are now. The new Living Story mechanics allow you to access past content, but you’ll have to pay Gems for it. Think about it.