Price going up on eggs
Most likely people speculating for christmas recipes.
Forgot about the whole eggnog thing, guess that makes sense!
I’ve been telling people to stock up now while they are cheap since they will get stupidly priced near Christmas AND they are used in over 20 recipies. That they have been so cheap for so long is the only real surprise – look at sugar pumpkins which hit over 2s and dont have anywhere near the number of recipies.
There is still time to get in on eggs eventually. Wintersday isnt until December 15th well thats what it was usually for GW1. This event coming up is something new wintersday is like the christmas type event.
So whoever is trying to get in on the egg thing will have to wait another month or so.
Yeah something if definatly going on with egg’s. Prices are going trough the roof.
Price just jumped up to 38c with less than 5000 left on the TP. By the time Wintersday comes along eggs will be selling for 1g each at this rate
We need to stock up on these!
We need to stock up fast before it reaches 1s.
Just a side note to all people that see dollar signs. “Buy high, sell higher” has a horrid way of backfiring in this game.
Just a side note to all people that see dollar signs. “Buy high, sell higher” has a horrid way of backfiring in this game.
^ very much this.
Also with over a month before Wintersday, you will be holding this stock for a while… good luck with your gambling
well egg prices just jumped to 40c so something is stirring in the trade community
this will probally work out, everyone should just buy now and smile later
Most likely it is due to speculation over eggs being required ingredients for making Eggnog during Wintersday. That said, I’m not sure it’s wise to stock up on them. Eggnog (and Spiked Eggnog) were drinks back in GW1, and drinks in GW2 currently do nothing. If they remain the same, you can expect to see prices crash almost immediately once the Wintersday event is out.
And that’s done. Crashed within a couple hours as expected.
So you mean people are speculating on eggs like sugar pumpkins? All those must have halloween cooking recipes!!!…lol
would be funny if ANet just released a special type of egg that is required. So people will stop speculating.
Poorest markted manipulation I’ve ever seen.
I honestly doubt eggnog will be craftable. This can be an alcoholic beverage and all alcoholic beverages are currently bought from NPCs. The Halloween cooking recipes used stuff like cookie dough, balls of dough, baker’s wet/dry, etc in combination with Candy Corn. I imagine that Peppermint or Candy Canes will be the comparable new crafting mat for cooking.
another poor market manipulation
Or it’s because you can no longer buy eggs with Karma and have to farm them yourself?
Its both speculation AND market demand. I recently levelled a chef for the second time – WAY more expensive this time around and needed eggs for multiple recipes (e.g. pasta, cookies, wet ingredients). Now that we cant buy anything in bulk almost any of the items of which there aren’t millions of on the TP are bound to rise in price.
It’s speculators vs speculators creating a false demand on the assumption there will be high demand to craft mediocre cooking recipes during the christmas event… The halloween event should be clear a clear indication to the general player base that most of the cooking recipes will be rather dull and I’m willing to bet this demand is for the most part completely speculator driven in the attempt to make some meager profits. The only person that will make any worthwhile profits are the ones who bought thousands of eggs under the radar (as in a full bank storage).
I love player driven economies. They illustrate in just a few weeks the problems that real-world financial crises still struggle with.
“Oh, but my friend is buying eggs by the hundreds. He’s going to make a fortune. I need to stock up as well”.
So, come Christmas, we’ll have the market flooded with eggs. Everybody has eggs to sell, and nobody needs to buy.
Well, at least we won’t starve. Eggnog anyone?