Profane Armor Skin

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pyrexian.8736


Please change the look of the Profane armor in BLTC. It looks like it was created in 30 mins vs. a day for the other two…. Ref. my screen caps.


Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

The Profane armor looks correct on Humans and Norn. It was an actual armor in GW1 for Necromancers and matches the original quite well. The mask was added though since in GW1 Necromancers used Scar Patterns in place of head armor.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


I think it looks great on my Norn. Wish they would remove the LIGHT MED HEAVY restrictions on all three sets. I would have buy a set for each of my toons if they did that

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pyrexian.8736


The Profane armor looks correct on Humans and Norn. It was an actual armor in GW1 for Necromancers and matches the original quite well. The mask was added though since in GW1 Necromancers used Scar Patterns in place of head armor.

Fair enough. Then I think an attempt to fix the look of the skin on the remaining races would be a good idea. My Asura looks like she’s making a bad attempt at joining the circus…

I think it looks great on my Norn. Wish they would remove the LIGHT MED HEAVY restrictions on all three sets. I would have buy a set for each of my toons if they did that

I like the idea of having them separate. 1 – Gives your character something unique to your armor class, and 2 – I feel armor should have a completely different look for the type of armor it is. (Ex. Heavy armor isn’t going to have the “weight” or bulkiness that a light armor would) If we let a light armor class wear a heavy armor skin, why have the restrictions on the gear itself? At that point you could just change the stats on the gear instead of the look. The only fairness to having restrictions is to let heavy armor classes have the ability to wear lighter armor. But even then, that gets back into the stats themselves, and creates balance issues… I just want them to spend a little more time on the Profane skin is all.

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alniyat.9324


I think it looks bad. One of the worst sets, its sloppy and not well designed. The GW1 was not the best set either but better than this. It also looks like a dominatrix costume but that’s not its problem :P

The primeval is ok but when compared to the GW1 -the only armor I wore after I could get my hands on it- its a big letdown. Krytan though is amazing on my Asura I just hope I don’t run out of morphing stones before she reaches 80

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuodo.9270


The Profane armor looks correct on Humans and Norn. It was an actual armor in GW1 for Necromancers and matches the original quite well. The mask was added though since in GW1 Necromancers used Scar Patterns in place of head armor.

Please compare the gw1 and 2 profane armor for male characters. I have no complaints with the female one.

They just don’t match up. GW1’s look way more well-designed and less sloppy compared to GW2’s. It really looks metallic and evil rather than goofy like it is right now. Those shoulder pads look cumblesome and those gloves? OMG.


Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Preyar.6783


I love this set so much(some of it). The chest and leg piece are some of the best in-game(light). The rest looks horrible though.

Wondrous Achiever \o/

Profane Armor Skin

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gillius.2856


who doesnt love power ranger armour..!!