Projected Profit
You pay 5% listing fee which is that 2g50s25c.
Once it’s sold you’re deducted “transaction fee” which is 10%, so in this case it would be 5g0s50c.
Anything you sell on TP multiply by .85 and you’ll see how much gold you’ll make.
It’s just poor UI. You’re actually going to pay a 5% listing fee to put the item up, and THEN recieve the 45~ gold (taxed another 10% for the actual sale) for a total of a 15% fee for selling on the trading post.
Yeah. :\
As mentioned, there is a 5% Listing Fee and a 10% Sales Fee.
The Projected Profit does not include the 5% listing fee in its calculation.
Due to this, one can actually lose coin on the sale despite the Projected Profit showing…well, a profit.
To find out your actual Profit, you must manually subtract the Listing Fee from the Projected Profit to see how much profit you are actually making on selling the item.
Yeah, it’s pretty silly and illogical that Projected Profit does not also take the Listing Fee into account when displaying your Projected Profit. It isn’t actually showing your Projected Profit for the entire transaction.
- 10c – Item Vendor Value
- 11c – Buy order for item
Sell item to Buy Order - 1c – Listing Fee
- 1c – Sales Fee
- 10c – Displayed Projected Profit (does not include listing fee)
- 9c – Actual coin gained from selling the item
Result: 1c loss on the sale over just vending the item for 10c.
Again, Projected Profit does not include the Listing Fee, only Sell price minus 10% Sales Fee. In the above example you are actually paying 1c to get rid of the item instead of vending it.
Scale these values higher and the loss is even greater.
- 99c – Item Vendor Value
- 1s – Buy order for item
Sell item to Buy Order - 5c – Listing Fee
- 10c – Sales Fee
- 90c – Displayed Projected Profit (does not include listing fee)
- 85c – Actual coin gained from selling the item
Result: 14c loss on the sale over just vending the item for 99c.
Before listing an item, be sure to manually subtract the Listing Fee from the Projected Profit to find out the real amount of coin you’ll get from the entire transaction.
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Long story short, subtract the listing fee from the projected profit and you get the actual returns.