Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CaulUinTur.6321


Throughout Lion Trading company many people have started speculating on items that might or might not be components for halloween crafts. Mundane items are quickly rising in price and Cinnamon stick has been up today from 2c to 10c (OMG 5 fold) and from most supplied list with almost a million pieces to around 100k left worldwide. So short b4 the actual Halloween craze I have the following questions about this please:

- Will ArenaNet post the recipes or do we have to find out as a community?
- Will possible holiday craft ingredients like Cinnamon sticksbe regulated or does ArenaNet not meddle in Lion trading house?
- What happens if the Lion’s trading house can’t offer enough crafting materials for the special Halloween crafts?

(edited by CaulUinTur.6321)

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


From what I recall from GW1, there were no crafting recipes added during Halloween. The items you could get weren’t even sellable. The people doing these speculations come from other games that did add new crafting items for festivals or a just trying to scam people into inflating the price so they can make money. My advice, farm the tar out of everything people are speculating on, put it up on the trading post 2 days before the event starts, and rake in all the gold.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: raxx.8914


The actual event stuff will not require anything except items from the event.
However, there will be mystic forge recipe’s that use current game items.
The reason you’re seeing so many items selling right now in items, is the test server for a select few went up and they are buying everything out.
Check the GW spidy trade site and look at the dates, no prize for guessing the date and time the test server went up.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NoOneShotU.3479


There were holiday collectors items though (since true crafting didn’t exist in GW1), and every week the items for the traveling trader quadrupled in price.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


Woah I got tons of cinnamon! Need to profit.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grendel.7918


eh… went ahead and bought 500 not so much as an investment as because they may be harder to come by later if they are needed. price inflation hasn’t hit my server yet so who knows. at worst (if you’re just making this up) i take a slight loss when i sell em back for half the price, at best i don’t need to go running around trying to find them if i need them and i sell the excess.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aero.4829


price inflation hasn’t hit my server yet

You realize that the TP is global across the servers right…?

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grendel.7918


i did not. in that case it went down a bit. currently sitting at 5 which is up from the usual but not by much. like i said, it hardly matters to me unless there’s a huge jump because i cant possibly lose that much on the gamble.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tindahbawx.5317


Look on the bright side, you’ll get a good laugh when Cinnamon isn’t used in anything Halloween related.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

What a weird item to have a trading run on.

Probably started by an associated group of players that agreed to buy out the initial supply I suppose.

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azurrei.5691


All I can say is, DON’T buy into the hype – people are doing this to manipulate the market – I’m going to laugh when there are no recipes added…

Let’s see what is selling low? Cinnamon! Let’s buy up all the cinnamon and hype it up in forums and sell at a huge profit!

Pump and Dump – learn the terminology to save yourselves…

Question about Halloween crafts? The Cinnamon madness....

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: saurus.8290


i see lots o ppl didnt played GW1

in gw1 there are special items that drop from mobs when event is active

so any speculations here are just to increase price of some items so someone can get rich