Question about the Broom...
Is this the witch broom or the riding broom? Witch broom is the one that comes with the outfit and includes costume skills, while the riding broom is sold on it’s own.
I have the witch broom, and I’ve never noticed any endurance drain with it.
I have the Witch broom and it drains endurance to 0 when flying. Propably so that you can’t dodge immediately after coming out of the Costume Brawl invuln.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I’ve been using the Riding Broom, and I notice while flying my Endurance is reduced to zero. Given that it provides you with no speed boost or anything, I don’t understand why it drains your endurance. I looked forward to flying around on that on my Mesmer, but if something hits me and I can’t dodge immediately after…
I just don’t understand why it drains Endurance and if its intentional or not. It’s just a different animation for walking/running.
Huh. Just checked it out, and there is, indeed, an endurance drain on the witch broom.
How long has that been happening? Am I just so unobservant I didn’t notice it in two years? T__T
I’d really like to know why Anet felt this was necessary. Maybe it could be changed? There really doesn’t seem to be a purpose to it, other than discouraging myself from using the broom, and discouraging others from buying it. I asked about it in guild chat and a bunch of people interested in the broom immediately lost interest. There’s some gems Anet won’t be getting.
It’s so people can’t dodge during costume brawl, then hop onto the broom and wait for the endurance to regen while they are invulnerable