Remove account bound on fractal weapons too!
What I want just 1 time ability to choose stats (and souldbound it). I HATE using Trans crystals on those kitten things.
Will make all the people who haven’t been running FOTM very upset. I dont see it happening. Would love to see it but I’m not holding my breath.
Also Fractal weapon skins are the only skin left in the game that shows TRUE skill.. and not i farmed an easy COF P1.. 1000 times to get my Sunrise, Twilight greatsword
Will make all the people who haven’t been running FOTM very upset. I dont see it happening. Would love to see it but I’m not holding my breath.
Also Fractal weapon skins are the only skin left in the game that shows TRUE skill.. and not i farmed an easy COF P1.. 1000 times to get my Sunrise, Twilight greatsword
You didn’t put a reason why anyone would be upset by this change? There is no true skill in RNG. Someone can do a fractal 20 and get the weapon they wanted. You call this skilled?
when ascended weapons come out, make the fractal weapons ascended instead and keep the droprate as it currently is for the love of god keep them account bound.
when ascended weapons come out, make the fractal weapons ascended instead and keep the droprate as it currently is
for the love of god keep them account bound.
why keep them account bound? When all other weapons r not..
(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)
when ascended weapons come out, make the fractal weapons ascended instead and keep the droprate as it currently is
for the love of god keep them account bound.
why keep them account bound? When all other weapons r not..
because this is one of the few weapons you have to work for, that you can’t buy.
when ascended weapons come out, make the fractal weapons ascended instead and keep the droprate as it currently is
for the love of god keep them account bound.
why keep them account bound? When all other weapons r not..
because this is one of the few weapons you have to work for, that you can’t buy.
There is no “work hard for” in luck. What do you say to the person who got fractal greatsword on their first fractal 20. “You must have really worked hard for that”…….nah not at all lol.
Then theres people like me who could be doing 48’s and never get the weapons they want.
(edited by OMNIBUS.2913)
I would rather see them kept account bound unfortunately, they are one of the only sets in the game that show prestige :/ even though people may get lucky in 28s and get them, the chances of getting the one you want is still really low till you work your way to 48. Gives the people that love doing fractals some rewarding features \: Otherwise fractals will just become another money grind, and the prices of fractal weapons just gradually fall.
I would rather see them kept account bound unfortunately, they are one of the only sets in the game that show prestige :/ even though people may get lucky in 28s and get them, the chances of getting the one you want is still really low till you work your way to 48. Gives the people that love doing fractals some rewarding features \: Otherwise fractals will just become another money grind, and the prices of fractal weapons just gradually fall.
Even at 48 the chances are low of getting the weapon you want. The other option i would like is if they introduced a new token for fractal weapons so it would be like other dungeons(not rng). Spending 30-1 1/2 hours in a 48 fractal receiving less gold than regular dungeons and getting nothing is not fun :/. But i guess everyone must disagree since nobody posted agreeing with me yet lol. Time to let this one go…
No way since they are fine as is. Sure it’s down to luck if you get one and even then one you can use/want, but that’s what makes them so special. Got the speargun randomly which is cool so leaving in bank for my thief one day but probably just gonna keep as collectors item. Idea I have to keep the exclusivity of the weapons but benefit fractelers who want a skin would involve rings.
Rings currently are nothing but a bank filler or a few silver since you can only use them or sell to merchant. On the other hand if you are lucky to get a fractal skin, might not be one you want, can use or already have. So idea is to be able to trade rings for fractal skins but in order to keep the rarity up yet taking into account the potential time and effort needed to receive a skin, could trade rings for a specific skin.
Something like:
- 30 ascended rings(which you trade for an item like ’ Dessa’s power ring’ so you can forge it)
-100 pristine relics
-Legendary stuff which costs a lot to make but not clovers or honour badges. Something accessible by playing the game cos I have no idea about legendaries ><
-Named/themed exotic of weapon you want ( so unofficial ‘fractal bound’ which drop within the fractals like Tribal stuff I’ve gotten)
Any soulbound, bought, self upgraded rings or crafted/karma exotic won’t be able to used either. These numbers aren’t set in stone just seem reachable to me with dedication but not in the reach of just anybody who does fractals as you have to do a lot of fractals to get the relics but more importantly the random drop rings.
Kept all my rings in the hope they become useful one day hence this idea. What do you think? Pretty sure the 48+ club have gotten way more rings from that alone and either have or working on a legendary.
Edit: forgot they’ll still be account bound to keep in line with Anets decision to keep fractal stuff exclusive to fractals
-Plush Griffon Recruit of the Jade Quarry Militia-
(edited by nglcpyro.4906)
Or what if a special fractal weapon claim ticket would drop instead of a random weapon. Keep the same droprate as now, and keep them account bound.
when ascended weapons come out, make the fractal weapons ascended instead and keep the droprate as it currently is
for the love of god keep them account bound.
why keep them account bound? When all other weapons r not..
because this is one of the few weapons you have to work for, that you can’t buy.
There is no “work hard for” in luck. What do you say to the person who got fractal greatsword on their first fractal 20. “You must have really worked hard for that”…….nah not at all lol.
Then theres people like me who could be doing 48’s and never get the weapons they want.
At least it shows enough skill that you completed 20 levels of fractals. You’d be surprised at how few people can actually do a fractal 20.
i dont like fractal weapons, at all…and i have got 5 of them..It is supposed that they are high valuable items but since i can not sell them they dont worth nothing for me, just the npc vendor price, why cant i sell them?
Or at least let me sell them to a vendor npc for a decent amount of money or if you dont want to create money from npcs, give me fractal relics, a good amount for them, but for God sake, if fractal weapons are valuable…treat them as that, ascended rings and fractals are stock pileing in my bank
and for those who say it shows prestige….pffff it shows just luck. Lot of people got them in fractal 2x, and those are as easy as the easiest dungeon. Fractal weapons need changes in many ways if not all of these some at least:
-Tickets so you can choose (tickets with same rarity than actual weapon drop)
-Convert them in skins or at least give them appropriated stats
-Not account bound, so i can sell those ugly things..i pray for not getting dropped one of them since they are useless for me
Why do you even run fractals then, nmoral? You don’t want their skins, you claim ascended rings an fractal skins are stockpiling in your bank, and the loot/money is crap compared to other things to do in the game.
So why do you even run fractals? Or even care? I think you’re just looking for a quick way to make gold by wanting to sell the skins that you already have, which is why so many of us are against changing the skins. If they can be sold on TP, then the value and exclusivity is completely lost.
i do fractals for fun, helping guild mates and still finding some use to those fractals tokens, of course i dont run fractals as often as i usually did at the beginning, but i still like running from time to time.
By the way, thinking that allowing fractal weapons going “selleable” would be “a quick way to make gold” as you stated its stupid, their drop is so low that farming for the only purpose to sell them its a nonsense, there are far more better ways to make gold
Anyone who make fractals, anyone, even those with bad luck got rings stockpiling in their bank (unless they sold/dump them), so dont try to make me look like a greedy player to make my point invalid
Answer my question: If those skins are ugly for me is not unfair i can not give them any use?
So i have to pay the price for those who try to maintain their snob exclusivity, Does my effort/luck worth less than yours? you gave them use, let me give them use too
(edited by nmoral.3876)
No chance, if you want the skins do Fractals and hope you get them. Fractal skins should be obtainable in a better way for people that run Fractals on a regular basis. People that don’t do the content should never have access to them.
No chance, if you want the skins do Fractals and hope you get them. Fractal skins should be obtainable in a better way for people that run Fractals on a regular basis. People that don’t do the content should never have access to them.
exactly this- some skins need to stay exclusive to the content.
we already got “welfare” pinks, which I still think should have remained exclusive to Fractals.
I’ve done over 300 fractals according to my achievements, and I only just got the fractal weapon I wanted last week. I’m sick of everything in this game being able to be sold. The fractal set of skins are amongst very few in game that shows that people have put in time to get it and not just farmed CoF P1 or champions to buy them. >.>
Blackgate | Knîghtmare [KnM] | Knights of the Temple [KnT] | Attuned [Att]
you want fractals weapon skins go run fractals.
fuesd wep etc was from time limited events so i understand fully why they are being sold etc.
fractal is NOT time limited so no need to unbind them so all the scrubs can get them.
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
At least it shows enough skill that you completed 20 levels of fractals. You’d be surprised at how few people can actually do a fractal 20.
Wrong. So utterly wrong. There are people that have lvl 48 personal reward but were carried there. Lvl 20 is an total joke, and quite easy to be taken to that level from scratch in any group that has at least one person with the wherewithal to use a projectile reflect/absorb skill. Also, you can have 0 AR, be in a group that doesn’t mind rezzing your lazy butt that refuses to dodge, and progress. Why people put up with that, I don’t know.
Keep the weapons exclusive. I only have 4 weapons since Nov., and continue to do the lvl 48 with my group because it’s actually interesting and not a total faceroll.
I only play FOTM L48.. its the only thing i like doing in this game and is the most fun..
almost at my 1000th FOTM run. I really wish they never capped it at Level 50 and hope they bring it back to 80+ again like the good old days
if you want the skins do Fractals and hope you get them.
“Hope you get them” , this is what i have a problem with and i why i havent done fractal 48 for over a month. But like i said im over it. You guys can feel like special kittens with your rng weapons. Ill probably start doing fractal 48 again just to save relics for back items for alts. And if the stars align then mayb ill get the fractal weapon i want…or maybe not lol.
I would support Fractal Weapons being tradable (if Legendaries are tradable, why not Fractal Weapons?), or the ability to purchase account bound Fractal weapon skins with Pristine Fractal Relics (maybe 1 skin for 100 Pristine Relics? Just pulling numbers from the air).
i’d like them too to be tradeable <.<
I need to clear my bankslots and need money XD so please make them tradeable :P so i can get another legendary….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
if you want the skins do Fractals and hope you get them.
“Hope you get them” , this is what i have a problem with and i why i havent done fractal 48 for over a month. But like i said im over it. You guys can feel like special kittens with your rng weapons. Ill probably start doing fractal 48 again just to save relics for back items for alts. And if the stars align then mayb ill get the fractal weapon i want…or maybe not lol.
Actually I don’t like the way fractal weapons are acquired at the moment, I myself have bad luck with them so… But in no way should people who don’t do Fractals get them.