Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


There is a pretty heavy turnover in items only obtained thru the crafting vendors. The mark ups are rediculous and I can only assume it’s because players don’t realize they are supposed to buy them from the vendor and don’t know where to get them.

There might need to be a better tooltip in the crafting panel describing where they can be acquired. When a new player learns a recipe that requires these vendor only mats the tooltip gives no indication on where to get them but worse what it does do is direct you to the trading post to purchase them when you right-click it.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leablo.2651


True, the game could do a better job of notifying that these are vendor items, but you’re making the issue overblown. From what I’ve seen, most of the sellers are just adding the inverse of TP tax to break even.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Currently superior runes of holding cost an extra 1g55s over their vendor price. That’s pretty harsh an ignorance tax when the crafting panel directs players to purchase the item from the vultures on the TP.

Who as you pointed out, aren’t even making money off it, they’re just charging the other players 15% ignorance tax. I doubt this is intended.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


This happens in every game. Honestly I have zero sympathy for people who are paying the ignorance tax.

Learn to google and/or explore, or in this case simply check the vendors and see what they have. Checking vendors is really something everyone should do just so you know what is there if you ever need it.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


It’s possible that they could have been items that have been bought by mistake, so they have been listed to recoup the money spent on them…

Given the NPC you speak to when you learn a particular craft is also the source of the supplies I’m not sure what can be done to make it easier for people to buy them from the vendor.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It’s possible that they could have been items that have been bought by mistake, so they have been listed to recoup the money spent on them…

Maybe, maybe not. The other problem is that the TP shows a somewhat misleading “projected profit”. That profit only takes the 10% tax into account. If someone tried to sell that rune for 11g55s00c the game tells them there is a 10g39s50c profit but that is ignoring the 57s75c listing fee.