Riding broom from gems
From the tooltip, it definitely looks like a weapon that you can just equip. But I want to know if it is Account Bound or Soul Bound.
It is permanent and account bound.
Ah this is awesome news! Will definitely be purchasing one! Account bound is a great choice Anet
I was riding my broom around lions arch when i fell into some water and the broom went away entirely…. I don’t have it equipped and it’s not in any of my bags. What could this be?
It’s Town Clothes, so it’s still equipped, just switch to your town clothes.
It’s Town Clothes, so it’s still equipped, just switch to your town clothes.
Ah! That’s the problem I was having too.
Thanks for the explanation
its equipped with your town clothes set, open up hero pane and in the middle on the top there are two buttons, the one with the hat and cane behind it is your town clothes set, click and the broom is automaticly first button.
I was riding my broom around lions arch when i fell into some water and the broom went away entirely…. I don’t have it equipped and it’s not in any of my bags. What could this be?
Pity John got in first, for all of us old enough to remember the wizard of OZ you would realise witches are water soluable it would make sense for the broom to be also
I was riding my broom around lions arch when i fell into some water and the broom went away entirely…. I don’t have it equipped and it’s not in any of my bags. What could this be?
Pity John got in first, for all of us old enough to remember the wizard of OZ you would realise witches are water soluable it would make sense for the broom to be also
Wow, can’t believe I didn’t think of that, especially since the Witch Costume allows you to melt. /fail
Does this broom give any different abilities than the broom that came with the Witch’s costume during the Halloween event?
Does this broom give any different abilities than the broom that came with the Witch’s costume during the Halloween event?
Makes aeroplane sounds and doesn’t make a creepy grin like the Halloween one.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
creepy grin was fixed some time ago even for witch
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
just a shame its another single item rather then reclaimable account unlock like GW1 store items
Does anyone have a video riding it? I haven’t seen one, not sure if I buy it or not :x