Rune Speculation
I bought a stack of the worthless runes when the stream was announced already.
Precioussss Sigilsssss
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
The devs announced in the livestream that all runes are going to undergo some major changes. What do you guys think will happen?
One guess I have is that Rune of Altruism will become the go to rune for boon duration.
You can already stack like 170% boon duration while its capped at 100%. I would rather get my 100% from somewhere else and choose another powerful runeset.
Many might prefer Traveler Runes in the first place.
Not so sure, if rune prices in general will be affected much by that patch.
Sigils however, especially the already popular ones, might rise in price.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Hard to say what’s gonna change. I guess it’d be good for the sake of diversity if all the runes that are currently cheap and rarely used get buffed. I don’t think there’s any hope for the +10% vs X enemy sigils though.
I do like the effect such an announcement has on the market. There were zero buy orders out there for many of the cheap runes, and now whoosh, life.
Time to take a gamble, and see if I can turn 200 Gold’s worth of useless Superior Runes into a profit!
Bought several 1,000’s of cheap superior runes…
Now all fingers & toes crossed, if 1 of those rune stacks becomes the must have set which will net me 100’s or 1,000’s of gold.
If not I lose a 100 gold or so, big deal…
Same lol, except I didn’t buy full on stacks, only up to 100
I really really hope one of the stacks become a traveler’s rune price…… fingers crossed!
I’m usually typing on my phone
Personally i wouldnt invest into the rune of rage for example kitten many of them come out of the mystic forge every day. Considering the balance patch is still 2 months away, alot more will enter the economy until then.
Even though alot of cheap sigils and runes just got bought up today and rose in price, i doubt that that price spike will hold on in most cases. Most of the runes/sigls that are popular and expensive now, will most likely be popular and and expensive after the patch as well. Considering that still alot of people gonna change their armor stats after the balance patch and might keep on using their favourite runes, i can see demand of those rising, without more supply coming in.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
The devs announced in the livestream that all runes are going to undergo some major changes. What do you guys think will happen?
One guess I have is that Rune of Altruism will become the go to rune for boon duration.
and to make runes of Altruism profitable in any way, we would need to burn through 40k glacial lodestones and 60k flawless snowflakes first, because at current prices, it costs about 20s to craft the rune.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Considering the balance patch is still 2 months away, alot more will enter the economy until then.
The devs in the livestream today, seemed to be saying they are coming in on the next balance patch 21st Jan.
I know it contradicts what other devs have said but there you go…
Considering the balance patch is still 2 months away, alot more will enter the economy until then.
The devs in the livestream today, seemed to be saying they are coming in on the next balance patch 21st Jan.
I know it contradicts what other devs have said but there you go…
Thanks for the answer, Josh.
Another Question: When can we expect the next balancing patch to be out?
Nice try.
I don’t think we have a public date yet.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
There were 4/5 Anet employee’s sat in the livestream today (don’t know if Grouch or Slouch is a official employee) and they kept saying 21st…
Watch it for yourself:-
I know I am confused and don’t really know what exactly to expect on Tues 21st but I suppose that’s a good thing…right?
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
Hmmm… speculators pushed the runes I bought months ago up to 600g+. In a week, it’ll probably be back down to dirt. ;P
I couldn’t do much because i was low on gold after a break, but i bought a few small piles. One of them was 10 sigils of Hydromancy for 4s each yesterday about 5 hours before the livestream. 1 hour after the stream, I sold them for 1g45s each just before the bubble popped. The remaining ones i have i’ll be holding onto to see if they become big as i have already made profit.
If I were you, I would start selling all your stacks of Divinity Runes.
There will be absolutely 0 reason to use them after the patch hits, unless they nerf all the other runesets into the ground.
Divinity and Generosity runes are probably going to drop. Traveler’s I’m more afraid of than any other rune because I use them! With the boost from runes being moved to the upper slots, they’ll probably going to take a hit in usefulness and/or they’ll make other set’s just too good not to use over them.
I highly doubt they will nerf generosity in any way.
Speculation on runes and sigils is not smart. 99% of the speculators who didn’t invest before the twitch stream will crash and burn. Many have already. I personally pushed the newly inflated price of one rune into oblivion just because I still had a stack of it lying around.
I highly doubt they will nerf generosity in any way.
Even a low-volume item such as sigil generosity can be tweaked into nothingness; not likely, but very, very possible. Sigil of purity/nullification could also be changed to become more useful, leaving generosity with a lot if competition.
I guess all I’m saying is: don’t risk it. Mind you: afterwards, only the success stories will come out; the people who failed won’t advertise it.
Speculation on runes and sigils is not smart. 99% of the speculators who didn’t invest before the twitch stream will crash and burn. Many have already. I personally pushed the newly inflated price of one rune into oblivion just because I still had a stack of it lying around.
I highly doubt they will nerf generosity in any way.
Even a low-volume item such as sigil generosity can be tweaked into nothingness; not likely, but very, very possible. Sigil of purity/nullification could also be changed to become more useful, leaving generosity with a lot if competition.
I guess all I’m saying is: don’t risk it. Mind you: afterwards, only the success stories will come out; the people who failed won’t advertise it.
One cannot really say whether or not they have “crashed and burned” till we find out what runes go up in value. Perhaps better to have held onto that large amount of runes you had till after the changes are revealed. Likewise, pushing their price into oblivion just means giving more people the chance to make a profit on it if their hunch turns out to be right.
only thing we know is all runes get a rework and they get similiar stat bonuses on 4 and 6 with things like +20% might duration or +% burning speed and so on
so i think the value from all runes will be closer than its now and my bet on runes will be in future on 50silver -1g50 maby 2g50
As a market watcher/non-investor, I’m just watching the developments with interest. Personally though, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can once again throw 4 random Sup sigils/runes into the Forge and get a random one back. Would be nice to normalize prices between the extremely expensive and the extremely cheap ones.
As a market watcher/non-investor, I’m just watching the developments with interest. Personally though, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we can once again throw 4 random Sup sigils/runes into the Forge and get a random one back. Would be nice to normalize prices between the extremely expensive and the extremely cheap ones.
This would be a bigger change than you might think and would shake up alot of markets, so i dont see that happening.
IF you consider the different ways of acquiring runes and sigils, from salvaging, drops only, crafting only, mystic forge, seasonal stuff, there is too much stuff involved.
The only thing this change would do is bring alot of markets, not only the ones for runes and sigils but also for t6 rare mats, recipes, seasonal mats, or dropped gear for example, into disequilibrium. It would be a good gold sink, due to the high volume of trading it would spark but i think they have a good gold sink running right now with ascended crafting. The only people that would profit from a change like this, are people that make their gold on the trading post but i dont see how this would do the general player any benefit in the long run.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Well, like I said, the most immediate impact would be a normalization of prices between the most expensive runes (do Sup Divinity runes still cost 10g apiece?), and the ones that are languishing at 1c above vendor price. I would think that this would make the expensive Sup Runes/Sigils easier for players to acquire overall, particularly since it’s more than likely that the popular sets now are likely to continue to remain popular (unless ANet nerfs them considerably with tomorrow’s update). The Rune/Sigil market is currently in quite a lot of flux right now, so it would be an ideal time to institute these changes. More gold sinks running concurrently also can’t hurt; it actually ties in nicely since players might want to do a makeover of their equipment while crafting their Ascended gear.
I do see your point about it shaking up prices for particularly rare sigils/runes though; stuff like the Superior Sigil of Generosity would tank spectacularly if we could suddenly acquire them through the MF. Perhaps these “special” upgrades could be exempt from the drop table of the MF. (Personally speaking though, I don’t see prices for rare upgrades dropping as particularly concerning, since unlike aesthetic purchases, you may want a build that’s acquirable only by using specific runes or sigils.)
What is the plan for extrenely cheap sigils because of the crafting materials required for them?
Not quite sure what you’re asking there. Are you talking about Sup Runes/Sigils that require expensive mats to craft being sold for much cheaper prices? If so, that supply is coming from salvages/Forges; the people who are crafting them are likely doing it only for the discovery XP (just as I did when I needed a boost to get over certain crafting thresholds).
Another proof TP should be BALANCED….
E expect john Smith to tell me he has data he can t show or i don t have an economy degree thus i can t understand how making players grind huge sums of gold every patch to make TP barons rich is “good for the economy”…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Another proof TP should be BALANCED….
E expect john Smith to tell me he has data he can t show or i don t have an economy degree thus i can t understand how making players grind huge sums of gold every patch to make TP barons rich is “good for the economy”…..
I would really like to hear what your vision of a balanced tp is.
I know a bunch of regular players, who bought a bunch of cheap runes when the patch was announced and sold them with a profit now.
The TP is balanced because it gives everybody the same chance of interacting with it.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Another proof TP should be BALANCED….
E expect john Smith to tell me he has data he can t show or i don t have an economy degree thus i can t understand how making players grind huge sums of gold every patch to make TP barons rich is “good for the economy”…..I would really like to hear what your vision of a balanced tp is.
I know a bunch of regular players, who bought a bunch of cheap runes when the patch was announced and sold them with a profit now.The TP is balanced because it gives everybody the same chance of interacting with it.
I think he’s just throwing buzz words out there because it sounds nice and all. No different than people in the real world crying, “The rich needs to pay!” or “we need jerbs!”
Another proof TP should be BALANCED….
E expect john Smith to tell me he has data he can t show or i don t have an economy degree thus i can t understand how making players grind huge sums of gold every patch to make TP barons rich is “good for the economy”…..I would really like to hear what your vision of a balanced tp is.
I know a bunch of regular players, who bought a bunch of cheap runes when the patch was announced and sold them with a profit now.The TP is balanced because it gives everybody the same chance of interacting with it.
I think he’s just throwing buzz words out there because it sounds nice and all. No different than people in the real world crying, “The rich needs to pay!” or “we need jerbs!”
Yeah, I dont even see a buzz word in there….
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
Just for the record, i have about 3400 hours logged , with nearly 10k AP and over 7k deaths, so i think i play the game quite a bit.
I also fail to see your need to sell an item to me at my buying price instead of undercutting me by one copper when i sell it in order to play wvw or fractals 79.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
I stopped reading between “no risk” and “free”.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
Just for the record, i have about 3400 hours logged , with nearly 10k AP and over 7k deaths, so i think i play the game quite a bit.
I also fail to see your need to sell an item to me at my buying price instead of undercutting me by one copper when i sell it in order to play wvw or fractals 79.
stocking runes to resell and create false scarcity is what is wrong.
Fixing that would be really easy…with no downsides…..
AKA when speculators effect economy too much release (without ANY preview) another way to obtain that item…
As was already done once with crystalline dust.
Thus you balance risk/reward with minimal effort
But no….anything is nerfed while TP is defended at all costs (see precursors, see sigil of generosity etc).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Should we deny that the risk is so little that you need to do it on purpose if you want to lose money?
Tell me how many people using frequently the TP for profit do you know losing moneys?
Except the newbies investing in gossamer (and everyone knew it was a bad move) i don t know anyone…….
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
Just for the record, i have about 3400 hours logged , with nearly 10k AP and over 7k deaths, so i think i play the game quite a bit.
I also fail to see your need to sell an item to me at my buying price instead of undercutting me by one copper when i sell it in order to play wvw or fractals 79.
stocking runes to resell and create false scarcity is what is wrong.
How does that affect you playing fractals lvl 79?
Next fractal upgrade will haul you down to lvl 50 again, btw.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Should we deny that the risk is so little that you need to do it on purpose if you want to lose money?
Tell me how many people using frequently the TP for profit do you know losing moneys?
Except the newbies investing in gossamer (and everyone knew it was a bad move) i don t know anyone…….
I make more profit than newbies because im skillful at the tp.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Should we deny that the risk is so little that you need to do it on purpose if you want to lose money?
Tell me how many people using frequently the TP for profit do you know losing moneys?
Except the newbies investing in gossamer (and everyone knew it was a bad move) i don t know anyone…….
Why don’t you do it then?
Why don’t you do it then?
He has previously expressed that in his opinion, making profit on the TP is unethical and thus everyone should be forced to abide by his personal beliefs.
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Should we deny that the risk is so little that you need to do it on purpose if you want to lose money?
Tell me how many people using frequently the TP for profit do you know losing moneys?
Except the newbies investing in gossamer (and everyone knew it was a bad move) i don t know anyone…….
Why don’t you do it then?
Well I’m doing it.
I think the problem is they made it too easy to make money from investing.
Due to all the limit event item and the enourmous amount of material needed for crafting/legendary, so anytime new information is released people horde items.
I try to make money from TP/AH in every game I play. I have to say this game made investing so easy. Almost all investment will go up in price.
Yes I loss money from investment also. It is just very rare. I hope real life stock market can be this easy.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
No trust me its perfectly fair that i have to grind for hours daily giving my gold to you in order to play fractals and www while you sit on your pc making 100X what i do without even logging the game….
Perfectly fine….
You are helping the game you should be proud…..
And is it perfectly fair that your gold rate through fractals/wvw is much higher than players who choose to make money through gathering or even map exploration?
Why don’t we nerf your method down to that level?
Did you read when i said cutting few trees gives more money that the most difficult istance in the game?
And for your info ANY profitable source of gold in the game was nerfed since release…
All but the TP, the no risk free pvp minigame that gives 10-100X rewards of anything else in the game at the cost of people who doesn t want to participate.
That is what is wrong….
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Should we deny that the risk is so little that you need to do it on purpose if you want to lose money?
Tell me how many people using frequently the TP for profit do you know losing moneys?
Except the newbies investing in gossamer (and everyone knew it was a bad move) i don t know anyone…….
Why don’t you do it then?
Well I’m doing it.
I think the problem is they made it too easy to make money from investing.
Due to all the limit event item and the enourmous amount of material needed for crafting/legendary, so anytime new information is released people horde items.
I try to make money from TP/AH in every game I play. I have to say this game made investing so easy. Almost all investment will go up in price.
Yes I loss money from investment also. It is just very rare. I hope real life stock market can be this easy.
Well, nothing we can do. There are no rules or limitations on the tp, you can use every illegal technique there is.
There was this game i played where there’s a limitation on how many items you can list for sale. (like, 5 lol) If there’s a way to stop this then its by implementing limitations.
(edited by haxi.9038)
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Don’t feed it. Like a stray cat, if you feed it then it will never go away.
The TP has no risk?
Yeah I’m just gonna give up.
Don’t feed it. Like a stray cat, if you feed it then it will never go away.
I just filled up the bath tub, in case it comes back..
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.