Searching for Foods on Trading Post

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mayam.8976


So I’ve been attempting to search the foods on the Trading Post to get a good idea of what may be more profitable, available or which may be better sold as it’s raw materials.

So I click on the Search tab, select Consumable, the Food, leaving the Level Range set at 0 – 80 with no other search fields defined and click Submit. For some reason the only products that show up in that list so defined, is alcoholic beverages (that offer no buffs what so ever outside of intoxication, yay -_-). No foods ever show up in that list as defined above. However, if I am to type in the specific name a particular food it will show up. Of course leading me to believe that various player crafted foods are in fact on the TP.

Am I making some mistake in how I’m defining the search fields perhaps? Or is this another relatively small but greatly annoying glitch in the Trading Post and specifically I guess it’s search function.

Please, someone with more experience using the TP let me know. In general I haven’t used the TP very much at all as I leveled, mainly only to sell stacks of un-needed materials when they maxed out in my bank at 250. Now that I’m 80 though and have maxed Chef and Jewel Crafting to 400 I’m keenly interested in marketing what I can and maximizing the profits from those as now my focus has shifted to building specific gear sets to hone my build .

I can’t see myself taking time out of my chosen liesure activity to type in one specific food product after another attempting to isolate the most profitable. I dearly hope I’m making a mistake somewhere in my use of the TP search function. If it is a glitch I seriously have no intent on spending great amounts of time working around it in the only manner I’ve found because of the level of labor involved in searching each food, material, etc. and jotting them down to mathematically arive at the greatest profit / time invested.

Likewise, I don’t see many consumers who don’t already know the specific food they want spending that much time either to compare and contrast all the different consumables, buffs and prices. Which would further impact the market negatively I would guess.

Thank you in advance. I’m very much looking forward to knowing exactly what went wrong where and sincerely hope it’s my fault with but a simple fix needed to get the TP to work like I suspect it should.

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


I don’t know if it’s intended to be this way, but you can search for foods if you select “Consumables” and then filter it by levels. That’s how I do it anyway, and I select a level range of 60-80.

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mayam.8976


I tried that. I set it for Consumables —→ Food --→ LvL range varied 5 – 80 up to 75 – 80. Nothing showed up though.

Did you just set it for Consumables —→ Level 60 – 80? Leaving the field where I had selected Food blank?

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Voidspawn.1934


Yep I selected Consumables for levels 60-80 and left the second field blank, sorry I forgot to tell you that

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Maria.9107


I am having this same problem when searching for food listings. The results shown are 2 pages of alcohol.

Searching for Foods on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cushion.8741


Yes, it’s a bug. And there is no way to filter for dyes either. I hope they fix this.