(edited by Earthacis.3862)
"Sell Your Stuff" Inventory not showing up.
I also have this problem periodically. The only ‘definite’ fix I seem to have found is logging out completely and restarting the client.
@ Boris – ditto – have had this issue for 3 weeks or more
Same problem for me also. Been happening for weeks.
Same issue. Has been happening since release. To my knowledge there is no fix. For me it happens constantly. NOTHING fixes it…
Reload game completely! End of story! As the saying goes, “mods, please lock.”
Well, no, actually its not the “end of story” because its a recurring issue for many people.
Was occurring for me constantly… at least every other log in and sometimes taking 3 or more reload attempts before the TP would function. The fix was buying more RAM for my system and hasn’t happened since.
So not sure if its the case for everyone whos having this problem, but for me Im pretty confident it was a symptom of insufficient memory.
I have had the same problem, restarting fixed it for me.
That is, until last night when it happened and I followed protocol and restarted. No change, It is still broken for me and when this bug occurs I can’t buy stuff and I had planned to level my crafting today, clearly not.
It would be a little more informative if the screenshot showed your inventory window as well as the trading post window.
Logging in once or twice helps for me, had this problem since the first time i tried selling stuff on TP
Make sure your items aren’t sitting in an Invisible Bag (or Safe Box) – it seems that the latest patch changed it so that items in one of those no longer show up in the “Sell Your Stuff” tab.
(edited by lackofcheese.5617)
What lackofcheese said. It took me a while to figure it out but they made it so invisible bags dont show up on the TP any more.