Selling Auctions Deducts 2x Listing Price
From what I understand, in addition to the 5% listing fee, there is a 10% tax upon successful sale. You actually should have gotten 2g64s, but I think something else you put up got sold as well. Anyways, main point is that there’s a tax on top of the listing fee.
There’s a 10% sales tax after the item is sold too.
You beat me to it, az. Also, he recieved 2g79s because he already payed the 5% up front, so it’s 10% down from the list price.
Oh ok. Got it. He received 2g79s but netted 2g64s. Makes sense now. Thanks.
30% of 3g10s would be 93s.
…3g10s Listing Fee 15s.
…received 2g79s.
- The listing fee is paid when you post. The 15s came out of inventory.
- The tax on a 310s sale price is 31s.
- 310-31 = 279, i.e. it’s working as intended.
Of course, ANet should post all five numbers upfront:
- Your asking price = 4g 60s
- Listing fee = 23s (payable now)
- Sales tax = 46s (payable upon receipt; you will receive 4g 14s at pickup)
- _________
- Net earnings = 3g 91s
Yes, they should.
theres a 5% non refundable to start, and another 10% after sale. total tax is 15%.
This is really stupid. There should be no sales tax, or at least let the buyer pay for it, not me. If I sell for 2 gold, I want to receive 2 gold, not 1 gold 80 silver. and have to pay 5 silver.
I don’t understand why SO MUCH is taken out when I have to list it anyway and the buyer pays NOTHING to purchase.
Still waiting on Customer Support. #121025-001252
Well if you want to earn 2 gold then charge 2G 23s for it I guess… The sales tax is a matter of balancing the gold economy, way points are so cheap they can’t be the only common sync. the high sales tax is also there to control speculation and min-max manipulators from “hoarding” wealth, it makes doing business on the TP costly enough to slow their processes down a bit.