Selling complete Legendaries..
Why do you want to be a part of the problem? Why?
Why do you want to be a part of the problem? Why?
Not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate?
Can ask this guy if his legendary ever sold.
Thanks for the link. Looks like people have a pretty difficult time selling a complete Legendary. That is what I was curious about, putting a value to all those extra mats and time spent time game, it is hard to get someone to pay for that.
They sell.. and fairly quickly if you sell them at a fair price… not 1g below whatever the current listed one is… like frostfang… generally lists between 1700-1850g if you list it at 1600 it will sell in a day or 2 almost garunteed… though quite frankly with the tp fees and everything it’s generally speaking not worth it.
FWIW, I wanted another legendary but didn’t have a gift of exploration or gift of battle, 500 Shards or bloodstone shard. I had a guildie who had all these extra. So I sent him everything else for the legendary and he crafted it, sent it back to me. I sent him a large amount of extra gold to compensate him for the account bound things I didn’t have.
Long story short: I got my legendary for less than it would have cost on the TP, he made more profit than he would have crafting it, listing it and (hopefully) selling it on the TP. My expectation is that when you are talking about transactions this large, most of the stuff happens in grey markets outside of the TP like I just described and so listing a 1000g item is a pretty hefty risk for low reward. The hard part is finding someone you can trust with that kind of situation.
Not worth the +100g fee going to waste if you get undercut by a lot.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
Yeah, my legendary is still up on the TP, and I definitely do have my doubts about whether it will ever sell. That said, maybe one day it will, and if that ever happens, it’d be really cool to be able to actually use the gold locked up therein.
Getting undercut is very real in this market, but the best thing you can do once you’ve listed it is to stick it out. As long as your price isn’t totally obscene, it should theoretically sell eventually, and you don’t want to be unlisting something that cost you 100g to list in the first place.
I’m also not totally broke as a result of having listed it, so it wasn’t crippling to me. I am by no means as wealthy as Vol, though, but I’m not an economist at the end of the day and I don’t enjoy playing the TP. My only real investments are safe ones in the long term that are practically guaranteed to earn me money.
I sold my Kudzu several weeks ago at about 400g profit after TP tax, it was on the TP for almost 3 days.
When you factor in how long it takes to get the non-buyable stuff, that’s not exactly a very good profit. However, if you happen to be doing all that anyways, then not so bad.
Just make sure you list it well below the current sell price (like 50-100g below) and it’ll sell within a week.
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I sold an incinerator for 2250g in less than 10 hours a couple months ago (600g profit). Honestly I’ll never do it again though… too risky with the listing fee, and now I’m out of gifts of exploration (made a second incin for myself after selling the first one).
Endless Petrification Tonic
(edited by Jabberwock.9014)
I’m thinking about selling The Minstrel (focus) for 1200g, but the listing fee makes me cringe. ~_~ There also seem to be a huge amount of flippers which is even more discouraging. Just makes it hard to price things in general. I wish we had the ability to trade with others…like item for item. I’d gladly trade The Minstrel for another legendary of equal value…perhaps like The Moot (mace), but doubt that feature is going to be added (anytime soon).
I’m thinking about selling The Minstrel (focus) for 1200g, but the listing fee makes me cringe. ~_~ There also seem to be a huge amount of flippers which is even more discouraging. Just makes it hard to price things in general. I wish we had the ability to trade with others…like item for item. I’d gladly trade The Minstrel for another legendary of equal value…perhaps like The Moot (mace), but doubt that feature is going to be added (anytime soon).
Social interaction between players trading goods? No you can’t have that here
It seems like an extremely risky area. I mean, have 100% completion on one char and 98% on another and 6 others that are around 60-70%. Buying a legendary on the TP does not appeal to me at all. Why pay more when I can spend a couple of days finishing off what I need to make a legendary? I’m sure there are people who will buy them, but it just feels like a very limited amount of players that would find it worthwhile buying them. I can only really see players who are buying a lot of gold either through Anet or a gold seller to “save time” grinding out what is needed. I own two legendarys, one equipped and one not, but I won’t bother selling the other one because I think its highly unlikely the unequipped one would sell. Maybe if it was a greatsword.
Don’t listen to all these people saying its risky even though they have not tried it. I’ve made and sold four legendary’s and I’m 25 percent map completion away from making two more.
I first made the flame seeker which I sold for 2000g, took about a week to sell because back then no one had the money to buy them. Second was a twilight I put up for 2200g which sold over night. Third was another twilight for 2100 which sold over night and the 4th was a third twilight which i put up for 2200 and was undercut 7 times by the time I woke up. Still sold 2 weeks later.
One tip is keep an eye on the number of items there is. For example there is usually 13-15 twilights on the tp, when i put the one up that took 2 weeks there was only 6 so I put it up while the Asian botters were messing around with them. If you undercut the botters you will have no problem selling.
For the people who say its to much work and there not worth it. The karma and skill points come from playing the game. All the other mats can be bought. The only thing you have to work for is the world complete.
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
You can buy everything except the account/soulbound stuff, so yes, that’s what he is implying.
Not that it’s hard to get dungeon tokens or WvW badges. It’s considerably harder to get karma and SP.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
You can buy everything except the account/soulbound stuff, so yes, that’s what he is implying.
Not that it’s hard to get dungeon tokens or WvW badges. It’s considerably harder to get karma and SP.
I have plenty of karma and SP, I just don’t have any of the tokens, badges, etc. Oh well.
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
You can buy everything except the account/soulbound stuff, so yes, that’s what he is implying.
Not that it’s hard to get dungeon tokens or WvW badges. It’s considerably harder to get karma and SP.
I have plenty of karma and SP, I just don’t have any of the tokens, badges, etc. Oh well.
If you’re like me and want multiple legendaries, having to collect the karma and SP is pretty difficult once you spend it. Especially with the farming nerfs it’s hard to get them.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
You can buy everything except the account/soulbound stuff, so yes, that’s what he is implying.
Not that it’s hard to get dungeon tokens or WvW badges. It’s considerably harder to get karma and SP.
I have plenty of karma and SP, I just don’t have any of the tokens, badges, etc. Oh well.
If you’re like me and want multiple legendaries, having to collect the karma and SP is pretty difficult once you spend it. Especially with the farming nerfs it’s hard to get them.
I could only imagine how much work it takes for multiple legendaries.
I want to comment on the post above mine. I PMed that poster asking what he meant but it went unanswered.
He implies that you can just buy your way to a legendary short of karma, skill points, and map completion. I don’t think this is true. You can’t buy the WVWVW badges, the dungeon badges and some other types of needed items for the legendary.
Can someone clarify this?
You can buy everything except the account/soulbound stuff, so yes, that’s what he is implying.
Not that it’s hard to get dungeon tokens or WvW badges. It’s considerably harder to get karma and SP.
I have plenty of karma and SP, I just don’t have any of the tokens, badges, etc. Oh well.
If you’re like me and want multiple legendaries, having to collect the karma and SP is pretty difficult once you spend it. Especially with the farming nerfs it’s hard to get them.
I could only imagine how much work it takes for multiple legendaries.
Takes a lot of time and luck. Unfortunately with all the nerfs it is very hard to get gold now. So a guy trying for a legendary from scratch today will have a much harder time than a guy who started in, say, November or January.
All three of my legendaries were acquired largely through hardcore farming since release. But my next few legendaries (I have 1700 gold saved up + investments) will be funded by pure luck (three precursors in the past 2 months or so)
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
follow this routine every day for a month and you should have enough for a legendary (not counting all things you buy like lodestones and T6 mats):
run fractals level (26 or 32) and (36 or 42) (higher = more relics)
do all 4 WvW jumping puzzles
do your favorite path in the necessary dungeon
1 hour of CoF path 1
after 30 days, you should have:
6,630 – 7,410 fractal relics (good for 189 – 211 skill points)
more than enough WvW badges
more than enough dungeon tokens
30 jug of karma potions (263,250 karma with boosts)
~800 drop of karma potions (624,000 karma with boosts)
Am I missing anything? that should do it, if you include incidental karma and SP. 1 legendary per month is not an impossible prospect. just has to be around 6 hours/day :P
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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just has to be around 6 hours/day :P
Unfortunately, this is more hours per week than my job that pays me six figures a year. At that level of time investment, I’m better off buying gems and converting it to gold and buying my legendary on the TP. I mean, I have a legendary that I’ve gotten myself just playing the game, but for real, 42 hours a week is simply a massive time investment. Back in the day of CS farming, it was barely half that and you could make a legendary in half the time.
Anyone else got input? Im interested in this. I have an unequipped legendary in my bank and considering selling it. But Im worried because its a one hand legendary with very few buy orders for it on the TP. Do people think any legendary will sell or only the most popular?
I placed a legendary on the TP about a week ago. I won’t say which one. Lets say it was one of the cheaper ones on the TP atm. I have doubts its going to sell :/
Something must be done about precursors and gift of exploration too.
It’s not logical to have to play the game with another character to make a 3rd legendery for your “main” .
Ofcourse if you ever make the first 2
Probably just my playstyle but I don’t know how people have problems getting the karma. I’ve made two legendaries, the first one took ~1 million karma, the 2nd ~1.2 million karma. I currently have ~2 million karma across my account as well as 100 jugs in the bank from daily/monthly.
Skill points on the other hand are a real pita if you don’t run fractals. Even more pita when your 2nd legendary took you ~220 SP just to get the 77 clovers so ~420 all up. Probably even more of a pita since I used ~150 SP to make volcanus to save precious $$$ since I was poor!
As for selling legendaries, I don’t think I’d ever do it unless there was some serious $$$ profit. It’s not worth the annoying skill point grind; although that opinion is partly brought to you by the horror of my 2nd legendary taking ~420 and that I’m running out of characters to get the 202 world SP on!
I am considering working on a 3rd but $$$ is now a problem. I was never that good at making money, I got some nice luck making the $$$ for my first two legendaries; The Legend from Lost shores (sold for 240g odd to make my 2nd legendary, hah), Final Rest the day it started dropping, 200 – 300g from working the TP (made several of the high-priced MF recipe items and sold for 50 – 100g profit after fees) and my personal favourite, buying The Legend for 365g buy offer and selling it for 475g (pre-fees) twice, the first time selling it within 30 minutes. Quickest ~40g ever for me!
I made two of the cheaper legendaries (Kudzu & The Dreamer), I bought Leaf of Kudzu for 60g during lost shores and The Dreamer when it was 190g. Wish I’d had more money back then I would have stocked up; I had to borrow 10g to buy Kudzu lol!
Okay, that reads a bit like my gw2 life story… carry on. No, I wouldn’t sell one unless it was serious $$$ profit. 400g minimum.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
(edited by Amurond.4590)
WvW badges are flowing like water out of the AP chests. I got a second pair of WE’s since I finished Twilight and Dreamer…
This time, I’m waiting until I have 100% of my cash needs on hand, then compare to the current offer price on a Legendary.
After two, I don’t feel bad buying #3. Still have to make the gold..
I’m not sure why people are calling skill points hard to make? I have hundreds of them on various toons, and I’ve spent hundreds on every stupid thing you can imagine
Btw, #3 will be Bifrost.. more rainbows <3
I placed a legendary on the TP about a week ago. I won’t say which one. Lets say it was one of the cheaper ones on the TP atm. I have doubts its going to sell :/
My legendary sold this morning! I listed Rodgort for 1299 gold approximately 1 hour after the post above and bam, exactly 14 days later I am rich :p I almost pulled it off the TP yesterday as well!
Man, who would spend 1300 gold on a torch _
(edited by Funset.7893)
Men, who would spend 1300 gold on a torch _
Yes, it most probably was a man.
Man, who would spend 1300 gold on a torch _
Yes, it most probably was a man.
I don’t know what you are talking about
The biggest problem with crafting and selling finished precursors is the Gift of Exploration. Your character gets a max of two of these, and then you’ll have to roll a new character to be eligible for more.
Also, as others have pointed out, with these types of high-priced items, there’s a lot more incentive to post a really buyer-friendly price. 1g below the last guy is not a good idea.