Seperate Light/Medium/Heavy armor at Traiding Post
/+1,000,000 points for this request. It’s so annoying to sort though heavy/light/medium armors looking for one certain type. It would certainly be a nice feature.
Agreed. Anytime you want to look for armor, 2/3 of what comes up isn’t even usable by your character.
Yeah, it’d be one thing if there were any profession that could use more than one type of armor, but since each can only use 1/3 of the total, it really doesn’t make sense to have to skim through so much unusable crap to find something I can actually wear.
That would be marvelous. Makes browsing the TP so much more enjoyable. That plus a way to preview items in the TP would make me very happy ^^
Yeah this will be great
It’s one of most needed feature. And preview too ^^
Agreed, a filter option for armor class would be very useful
Eine familiäre, erwachsene, PvX-orientierte Feierabend-Gilde auf Flussufer/Riverside
there is probably a big update to the TP and I bet this is part of it.
amen to that…