Sort by Armor Class
Something that should have been in there from day one. Seems like a bit of a no-brainer.
Fact is they could make the change even simpler then that. Just add a single option that sort items by usability. In other words have an option that you click and it only shows items that you can use. Bingo problem solved. I seem to remember that was an option in the trading post during the beta weekends. No idea why it was removed.
I’d rather be able to sort by armor type than just a “useable” toggle, since sometimes I’m buying armor for alts on my main since he has the most money, or sometimes I’m just looking through the different gear to see if there are any deals.
Both are good additions to the TP, and both should be added (quickly, since the current filters are annoying), but I’d rather have the armor type filter first, I think it would provide more searching options.
Sort by “usable” is not really needed if we get a sort by type option.
We really need a sort by type (light, medium, heavy). There are many times I buy armor for the next 10 levels, so a sort by usable would not be useful when I am looking for armor for later levels.
With a sort by armor type and the current ability to sort by level, you get your usable button.
This and preview option, just hurry up and implement it. :\