Standalone GW2 Trading post profit calculator

Standalone GW2 Trading post profit calculator

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xodus.7802


This is a small GW2 TP profit calculator i have made. I hope someone here finds it useful. This is my first C# app. Please leave feedback if you find any bugs.

Added a few new features like a crafting calculator and being able to save your buyprices to a .txt file so you dont forget how much you paid for it. I hope someone finds it useful and feedback is appreciated:).


Seems image linking is broken o.o

Virus Scan

Download link


(edited by Xodus.7802)

Standalone GW2 Trading post profit calculator

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sirius.9721


Looks nice for the lazy people :p just dl’ed it my self and scanned, didn’t find anything.

so very nice job op, even if its really simple

Red Guard – Sïrïus

Standalone GW2 Trading post profit calculator

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


What is the aim of this? If it’s for flipping stuff I would add a couple of other features.

Standalone GW2 Trading post profit calculator

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xodus.7802


Added a few new features