Suggestion: Gem Store Outfits

Suggestion: Gem Store Outfits

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nailath.8570



My suggestion concerns the full outfits which can be purchased for 800 gems ($10) in the gem store.
These outfits should not require transmutation charges to use, and should work the same way heritage pieces do.
Having to pay more money to use something you already spent $10 on just doesn’t make sense.
You (ANet) stand to make more money off these outfits if people know they can equip the skins whenever they want. Knowing this, I’m sure lots of people will buy multiple outfits.
Of course, transmutation charges would still be used on normal weapon and armor skins, found in game.

Thanks for reading,

Suggestion: Gem Store Outfits

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Guhracie.3419


Do you mean the armor sets? Because full outfits (or costumes- Mad King Thorn, Fancy Winter Clothes, Witch’s Costume) do not require transmutation charges.

As for gemstore armor skins requiring transmutation charges, while I agree it would be nice for them to never cost a thing to apply, the first time you apply them is free, and until April 15th, you could only use them on one armor set at a time, and it still used a transmutation stone to reapply. So the functionality of the present system is massively improved over the previous system, and given that transmutation charges can be easily earned in-game, I suspect it’s not hurting their bottom line.

“Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but what about the recent drought of content?”
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?

Suggestion: Gem Store Outfits

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zsona.7495


I agree with the OP. While I understand that to some people the current system may seem to be improved due to the last patch, I haven’t even been playing GW2 for a month yet so I didn’t even begin until after the last patch. Therefore “what was” has nothing to to with “what is” for me.

With that being said, I currently have a Krytan Armor set that is just taking up 6 slots in my bank. While I would love to put it on my medium armor wearers, it does not make financial sense to me, with either in-game currency or real currency, to constantly have to pay to use transmutation charges every time my low level character updates a piece of gear on it’s way up to 80. And while some may feel that they get a lot of transmutation charges in-game, they are not nearly enough to compensate for the continual need to transmute the armor while leveling.

The character I chose to level to 80 first is a light armor user and therefore won’t be using the Krytan set. But as an example, it took me a little over two weeks to get to 80, I accidentally used 5 charges before I was aware of the system’s workings, I have 1 available, and I hold 12 in my bank. That is a grand total of 18 charges accumulated on my way up to 80. I know I changed my 6 piece armor set more than 3 times along the way and so will my alts. This tells me that if I don’t want to waste the skins and have to pay repeatedly to reapply them, then I must leave them sitting in my bank gathering virtual dust until a worthy candidate reaches a point that they won’t be updating their gear as often.

While I understand that the system may be better than it was before, that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t still be looked at for continual improvement. In the case of real money spent, I personally would buy more skins if I didn’t have to keep shelling out money for the same thing I had already bought.

Just like I did with the unlimited mining pick that is account bound which I almost didn’t buy because I had read it was a soulbound single character item.