TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astorm.5496


hi, i know Anet is probably busy with a lot of other stuff and i cheer the recent feature patch… (dreaming with an “expansion like” content now)

meanwhile i dont understand why almost 2 years into the game we don’t have an (theoretically simple) option to show only usable armor in TP ….or even better….. to filter it between light/medium/heavy armor… a few lines of code should make it easier to a lot of us

unless there’s a technical issue preventing it , this it would be an easy quality of life fix since everytime i use TP i waste so much time looking at “useless” items

Have a good day!

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Neural.1824


It would be nice, at the very least, if Anet would comment on it to enlighten us as to why we don’t have it yet.

For all the attention the gem store gets, it appears like they don’t care, but that is likely not the case.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Red Dawn.4561

Red Dawn.4561

yes please.
this would probably be easiest to implement simply by adding a tag box with usable by character

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


already have +1ed too many of these; getting fed up spending the time and energy to support these easy-to-do and brilliant ideas that never see the light of day.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Because transparency/ease of use is something ANET doesn’t seem to want the Trading Post to have. For example: Projected “Profit”. Profit is income minus expenses. The listing fee is an expense. But it’s not included in the Projected “Profit” value. Nor is there any indication that the TP is dodgy enough that you should look up how it works. So when a new player sees a projected profit value that is above the vendor price, they think it’s better to sell on the TP. Even when the listing fee means their net income is less than the vendor price.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Except “Projected Profit” is what you will see in the pick up tab from the sale.

True it’s not absolute profit. You could be a flipper or salvager so profit has other costs associated with it. But it does report the right value you will find in your pick up tab when a single item is sold (multiple of the same item is handled differently depending how many players are buying how much, hence “Projected” and not exact).

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RIP City of Heroes

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Except “Projected Profit” is what you will see in the pick up tab from the sale.

What definition of profit are you using ?

I use income minus expenses. The listing fee is an expense. Therefore is should be subtracted from the sale price to calculate profit.

If you’ve got a definition for profit that fits what the trading post does, I’d like to see it.

Or lets look at this another way. Take a player who is new to GW2. How are they supposed to know that the projected profit doesn’t include the listing fee before they sell something ?
There is nothing in game to tell them or to suggest that they need to look up information on the trading post elsewhere. Lets say they have an item worth 1 gold. It would be natural for them to assume that the 5silver listing fee is taken when they list the item, then they get 95 silver in the pickup tab when the item sells. Leaving them up 90 silver from where they started.
Instead they only get 90silver, meaning a profit of 85 silver. 5 Silver has vanished without explanation until they start complaining about the TP stealing it.

(multiple of the same item is handled differently depending how many players are buying how much, hence “Projected” and not exact).

Rounding errors have nothing to do with my complaint.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rudhraighe.9754


This Feature WAS available during Beta but later removed due to processing load.

~20% of Guild Wars 2 is still Broken~ Rudhraighe

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I admit that profit is the wrong word to use if the amount shown is to inform players how much to expect in the pick up tab.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


you sell something for 1g.
“listing fee” is (and should be) 5s
“final value fee” should be (it’s not in there) 10s
“projected return” should be (it’s not in there) 90s
“project profit” should be (it’s not) 85s

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


This feature should have been in the trading post since day 1. I’m surprised after all this time it still hasn’t been added. It’s just common sense to have a weight class filter, but I guess GW2 doesn’t have much common sense :-/

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mckeone.9804


The current trading post is the beta placeholder that never got updated. As I understand it, a new TP has been an on-and-off project for a while, ie, dont expect it anytime soon.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cassius.5809


Since the TP uses a web platform it’s probably done by an entirely different team, and as a result would require interface changes in game which are bottom of the pile. That or the database query to add this filter for whatever reason fks up the TP load performance.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Since the TP uses a web platform it’s probably done by an entirely different team, and as a result would require interface changes in game which are bottom of the pile. That or the database query to add this filter for whatever reason fks up the TP load performance.

It doesnt just use a web platform, it IS a web platform. There is a web page you can actually go to and browse the trade post directly, which is the same one the game uses. The difference is that the game provides a higher security authorization that allows you to purchase and sell items.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mystic.5934


There is a web page you can actually go to and browse the trade post directly, which is the same one the game uses. The difference is that the game provides a higher security authorization that allows you to purchase and sell items. (takes you directly to the login page, which will then forward you to the TP)
you’ll need to log in first, and you can’t buy items, but you can browse anything on the TP as if you were in-game. sometimes, if I’m logged into the forums, it won’t make me log into the TP, so you would be able to go directly to
not-so-fun inconvenience: most of the lettering is in white (in game it’s white-on-dark background), but on web browser it’s a white background, so I can’t see any names for basic-quality items or some prices :P

(edited by Mystic.5934)

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Otokomae.9356


Ya, I opened this Thread 100% expecting that it was a necro’d thread from 2012.

Bakuon/Bakuon Thief [MAS]/ ex-[ATac]

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Neural.1824


I find the lack of performance and options quite surprising for something that is supposedly a web platform.

There are plenty of websites out there that deal with thousands of products in a very efficient, timely, and easily filtered manner. Why this does not also apply to GW2 is beyond me, but it’s embarrassing to bring outsiders to this game and then show them the TP :/

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cassius.5809


It doesnt just use a web platform, it IS a web platform.

Errr yeah a matter of context. You could say right clicking and sell on trade post was part of the trade post but the right click menu isn’t web based. Pedantic much.

TP light/medium/heavy filter! Why not?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Warblade.2850


I have waited for this to be added since release figuring it was an oversight but beginign to see it as neglect. Why do we not have the ability to sort by usable or /light/medium/heavy/? I agree with op this shouldn’t be that difficult and would save your users alot of time. Endlessly sifting through the stuff figuring out what you can use and what you cant is frustraiting at best.

I would also like to be able to search for specific stats/type

This is needed for quality of life. And has been needed since launch!