(edited by Roku Kushala.6398)
The 40% off deal?
I think I saw somewhere, that you could buy only one of the same kind, I was confused as I also did read that you can buy any quantity for yourself at 40% discount, maybe you should wait and see that someone confirms you can buy 25 BLCs.
Bugs are evil, like cookies, but more evil.
Hope to have an Anet member to clarify this.
I’ll confirm it. I bought 1 Key for my gf and got 40% discount for my 25 keys. You can8 basically rinse/repeat this. Or you can buy 1 key for 5 friends at the same time and get your next 5 25-key purchases at a 40% of each.
But do the black lion chests contain anything decent at the moment?
Just the Giant Gifts as extras, best I can tell. And Caithe/Scarlet minis, along with all the standard fare from Black Lion chests. I was hoping there might be a chance at the Permanent Hair Stylist, didn’t get anything notable except a Caithe mini I hadn’t had before and exactly enough scraps to bring me to two tickets. Whee, there aren’t any one-ticket items available.
Oh! I think I got ascended mats, too, at least by way of the large pile of Giant Gifts I got.
(This was from 26 chests using 26 keys I’d been saving for the patch).
A dev did confirm in another thread that you can get 40% off any stacks of the same item you purchase, yes. Good luck getting anything out of the chests though.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.