The 40% off deal?

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Roku Kushala.6398

Roku Kushala.6398

So if I gift a friend 1 BLK at 125gems, I can buy myself 25BLK at the price of 40% off?
I just want to make this clear before spending gems.

“From now through December 31, players who send a gift to a friend can purchase that same item in any quantity for themselves at 40% off! Let the sharing begin! All discounts must be claimed by 11:59 p.m. PST on December 31.”

(edited by Roku Kushala.6398)

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: dubak.3042


I think I saw somewhere, that you could buy only one of the same kind, I was confused as I also did read that you can buy any quantity for yourself at 40% discount, maybe you should wait and see that someone confirms you can buy 25 BLCs.

Dusan [insert class here]/Dubaak
Bugs are evil, like cookies, but more evil.

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Roku Kushala.6398

Roku Kushala.6398

Hope to have an Anet member to clarify this.

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I’ll confirm it. I bought 1 Key for my gf and got 40% discount for my 25 keys. You can8 basically rinse/repeat this. Or you can buy 1 key for 5 friends at the same time and get your next 5 25-key purchases at a 40% of each.


The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


But do the black lion chests contain anything decent at the moment?

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Donari.5237


Just the Giant Gifts as extras, best I can tell. And Caithe/Scarlet minis, along with all the standard fare from Black Lion chests. I was hoping there might be a chance at the Permanent Hair Stylist, didn’t get anything notable except a Caithe mini I hadn’t had before and exactly enough scraps to bring me to two tickets. Whee, there aren’t any one-ticket items available.

Oh! I think I got ascended mats, too, at least by way of the large pile of Giant Gifts I got.

(This was from 26 chests using 26 keys I’d been saving for the patch).

The 40% off deal?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Teege.4623


A dev did confirm in another thread that you can get 40% off any stacks of the same item you purchase, yes. Good luck getting anything out of the chests though.

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