The Marriner's Horn animation and accidentals
I agree on both of your points. The animation just looks funny when playing a lot of notes. Also like you said with the current set of notes/keys it is hard/impossible to play a lot of music correctly. Hopefully they correct these two points with this the bell and all future instruments.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
I had some weirder stuff with that horn’s animation. Was fooling around with in while running a Guild Puzzle, and i may have been in town clothes, when something happened to either transform me or set me into combat.
It bugged.
The net result was me locked with the horn use, weapon switch not working, and no way to drop the horn. The horn was acting as a two-handed weapon too, being dropped on my back to carry while not in combat, and quickly wielded in hand while in combat, to allow me to play music at my foes. As badly as i can play though, it still didn’t damage their ears.
Even funnier was the behaviour of the horn while on my back when out of combat. If i pushed the keys to play it, my norn would put his right hand near his mouth like he was holding the horn, and blowing air into his fist, while the horn was still safely tucked on his back. The best bit of it though, is that the notes were still playing, and coming out of the horn on his back. X-D
Had to log out to character screen and relog back in to fix it.
Save the Bell Choir activity!