Things purchased with Gems are too expensive
I still remember on the release when 1 gold was 400 gems. If only I was smart enough to spend all that I farmed in the first couple of days on the gems I would have bought everything that I wanted. Now the gold to gem conversion is like what 1 gold for 70gems? I’m not even thinking of spending my gold on gems if things stay this way.
The gold/gem price will not go down to what it was. The main reason is pretty simple: the higher the gold/gem price, the more people will buy gems with dollars. And that is Anet’s source of income.
The mechanism that they decided on -basing the price on the demand- is very inflatory. In almost any MMO, people get richer and richer, thus driving prices up.
This is what Anet wants. I can’t say I blame them. Someone has to pay the bill.
Maybe there will be a point where it becomes too much. A point where the high gold/gems prices drive people away from the game.
But I do not think that that point has been reached yet. If you look at things from a purely functional point of view, there is only one single item in the store that you ‘need’ in the game: the bank slots. They are 600 gems. They cost about 8g40s at the current rate, about 5 hours of grinding, which is certainly doable for a player.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
my issue isnt with the gem conversion, thats fine imo. the issue is just that things cost too much Gems. I dont want to pay 40 dollars to unlock all the bank slots. If it was like 20 dollars worth of gems then i would pay to unlock it all and i would for my wife too.
we got some chests we want to open too but im not spending 20 dollars to open some chests that are usually filled with a few buffs and shapeshifting tonics.
I cant speculate how much they make from the store but i feel if they dropped the price of gems by 30-50% they would get more money as people would impulse buy.
I cant speculate how much they make from the store but i feel if they dropped the price of gems by 30-50% they would get more money as people would impulse buy.
Maybe. But I’m pretty sure that these prices are set after some serious marketing studies, with peer groups and focus groups and defining different types of players to market too and what not.
If I were them, I would not lower prices on bank slots, because that is pretty much the only item that is worth something.
Setting prices is tricky… they probably follow the sales of each item with nice weekly stats and pie-charts and all.
If they want to make more money, I think they should consider adding town clothes. I don’t know how much the art of those cost, but a pretty outfit always sells.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
The present ratio reveals that a lot of people grind for gold, while very few buy gems for real money. It’s another sign for Anet’s financial troubles.
The present ratio reveals that a lot of people grind for gold, while very few buy gems for real money. It’s another sign for Anet’s financial troubles.
Umm… no. Obviously it is more attractive to buy Gemstore items with ingame money than real money. It would be this way whether Anet was poor or rich.
The present ratio reveals that a lot of people grind for gold, while very few buy gems for real money. It’s another sign for Anet’s financial troubles.
It only reveals that more people have more gold that they can spend on gems, which are required to obtain certain types of items in bulk (e.g. philosopher stones, mystic stones) or game upgrades (increased storage, more character slots).
Because every MMO suffers from inflation (because there are tons of ways earning money, and too few sinks), the value of gold constantly drops. As with every other game that offers an in-game currency exchange with their gem equivalents, the ratio will go up over time.
For this reason, plenty of MMO-veterans spent their first gold coins on gems, because they expect this type of increase. (Many of my friends who did this were surprised it took this long to get so high.)
There’s no MMO with 100% inflation per month. Yes, people have more gold now. No, this is not the only reason gem price is going up. Prices did not inflate across the board as much as for gems. The gem supply must be very limited, hence ANet’s RMT gains are below expectations at a time when NCsoft and Nexon are looking for results.
MMOs inflate very heavily at the beginning, yes. This was very predictable.
To those who regret not buying gems early, well, that sucks. But a month from now you’ll be looking at a far worse exchange rate and you’ll wish you bought gems now. If you are ever going to do so, should be now and not later.
Although have misgivings about the price of consumables such as keys, the gem cost in real money terms for bank slots, inventory slots, extra characters etc. is very reasonable. If you took an ordinary monthly subscription cost and bought 400-800 gems each month only to unlock things, you’d have a lot unlocked before long. And GW2 is easily worth that. The rest of the gem shop may be skewed, but the price of unlocking things is entirely reasonable.
So when is it going to stop? What are prices going to be like in a year? 1g for 1 gem? The game hasn’t even been out 3 months yet..