Recently I was very excited when I saw that you could purchase increased stack size for collectibles. I immediately started saving my money to buy the gems to buy said improvement. I was disappointed that the exchange rate for gems was much worse than I remembered it, but I gritted my teeth and started saving up my gold.
At that time I incorrectly assumed that it meant increased stack sizes regardless of where the items were. I envisioned every stack in my bank, whether it was in the collectibles area or the main area, having 1000 items in each stack as well as each stack on my various characters and in my guild bank. I would be able to start using storage characters as player characters. Organizing my bank would be so easy with all the extra space I imagined having.
I then discovered that the stack size increase was for the collectibles tab of the bank only and no where else.
I still thought to myself, “Well, it’s not as good as I thought, but I will still eventually get it when I save up enough gold.”
Then I started doing the math. I started thinking about which collectibles I horde and which ones I do not. How many stacks of stuff do I keep that would normally go into the collectibles tab, but won’t fit because of the 250 per stack limit?
Let’s say I have 20 different types of stacks of 250 each that I keep on storage characters because they won’t fit in the collectibles tab. I may have 100 of these stacks, but for some items there will be multiple stacks and I am theorizing that I only have 20 actual types of stackable collectibles which I horde.
The collection expander costs 800 gems, which currently costs about 60 gold. If I buy this, I am really only buying the equivalent of 20 extra storage slots. For example, if I horde orichalcum ingots, I may have 10 stacks of them. However, buying one expander means that only one of the extra stacks gets to go into the collectibles tab.
For 600 gems, I get an extra bank tab, which means 30 extra slots. This currently costs about 45 gold.
For 52,500 influence, at a cost of 105 gold, I can get 250 bank slots by creating my own guild.
Unless you have already bought all the bank tabs and all the guild storage OR you are hording not just many stacks of collectibles but many different types of collectibles, it just isn’t worth the expense. The money could be spent more efficiently elsewhere.
Furthermore, and I am just assuming that this is the case as I have not actually tested it, suppose you get all three expanders and can now store 1000 per stack in the collectibles tab. Now imagine that you fill up that tab and need to empty it to start over. You will have to split that stack of 1000 up into 4 stacks of 250 which will take up 4 slots elsewhere because you can’t simply move it to another slot like you can if you had never bought the expanders.