Tips To Make Money?

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: deltasniper.1659


I have a lump sum of gold, looking to see if there are any tips to play the trading post or what you guys recommend, im not asking for exact details so you can keep your secrets just wondering overall if its worth my time and the payoff and any tips if you would like.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kopipoki.3542


Its pretty easy really, you’re going to have to do your own research of course but the main idea is to buy items on the trading post and sell them for a profit. Make sure your sell price is at least 15% higher than your original purchase price, since that is how much the TP costs. Your going to find that certain items are traded a lot faster than others, focus on the ones that sell fast to maximize profit. Crafting goods are a good place to start.
As long as you can maintain that 15% margin you’ll make bank.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassium.3240


Note to what Kopipoki said above. Just make sure your margin is over 15%, 15% will make you break even.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


As Kopipoki pointed out, it’s fairly easy – just keep in mind the 15% trading post cost.

I suggest looking at for a trading post calculator to help calculate profit margins etc.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ghoest.3945


Making money through trading is rapidly becoming harder and harder. This is because most of the easy money people were making was due ignorance of the average market user.

The buy/sell margins on almost every semi popular item have dropped to 155 or less.

If you want to make money now you either have to speculate on future items or learn to play the hour and week cycles.

This isnt EVE with huge complex production chains. Values of items are mostly obvious in GW2.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lejean.9615


Farm orichalcum/ancient wood in the Frostgorge/Orr. It should give you at least 1gold. Ori ores can sometimes give ruby orb, worth 14s. And, meanwhile, as posters above stated – just buy/order cheap things and re-sell them…you can be undercutted by 1c anyway -.-

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hippocampus.8470


Use to look at price trends over the past few days. Whether something’s going up, going down, or fluctuating a lot, buy and sell orders at the right prices can net you a profit. (Since there’s nothing in place to allow actually shorting the market as people do in real life, the way to profit from falling prices is to sell something you yourself will use at the current going rate, and put in a buy order for less than the current rate, in hopes that the price will fall to that point and you’ll get back your goods for cheaper than you sold them.)

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: deltasniper.1659


Im sitting on about 27g just looking to get about 120-150

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eschlon.3842


Make sure your sell price is at least 15% higher than your original purchase price, since that is how much the TP costs.

Of course he means make sure your sell price is greater than (purchase price / .85), which is about an 18% markup. You lose money at (purchase price * 1.15).

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


Only risk what you can afford to lose.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Duplicated.4715


Only risk what you can afford to lose.

Heed this warning, new speculators.

Well, it’s not like you could do a margin trading here anyway (unless you borrow your guildies’ money and promise them you will return their money plus some interests).

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vortex.3604


It’s possible but at this stage I dont belive you can make a profit by just normal trading. Profit margins arent high enough due to tax prices.

I made about 75+ billion trading in EVE and the market in this game is primitive by comparison. Then again I didnt expect the market to be anything special. Honestly if you are just starting to trade now its unfortunately probably too late unless you place low buy orders ~35% lower and hope someone fills the ones ahead of you and then yours as well.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Of course he means make sure your sell price is greater than (purchase price / .85), which is about an 18% markup. You lose money at (purchase price * 1.15).

Sell price * 0.85 = max buy price to break even.

Buy price * 1.15 = min sell price to break even.

Personally I just use the calculator app on my phone rather than alt tabbing to a website (or using an online calculator on my phone).


I’ve changed “profitable” for “break even” because that’s what I meant, but my calculations are wrong anyway. Just leaving them there for clarity as the below post replies to mine.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

(edited by Jestunhi.7429)

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


That’s not right. As eschlon said, you’re actually taking a loss at buy price * 1.15; the min sell price to be profitable is (buy price / 0.85) ~= (buy price * 1.1765).

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Hmm, seems you are right. I’m glad I had been trading for low value items where the difference between the result of the 2 calculations is a fraction of a copper.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: csebal.5936


This is a pointless thead, as any answer you would get could inherently not be trusted, here is why:
- the kind of person who makes money off the BLT does not need you messing up their business, so they will not give you any advice or if they do, it will be false and purposefully designed to eliminate you as a possible competitor.
- the person who does give you honest advice though is not making his in game cash off the BLT and as such anything they say can be scrapped and ignored due to their inexperience with how the system actually works.

In other words, you can choose between maliciously false information or incompetently false information.

Let’s ignore the general(ly useless) comments like the ones about how you should pay attention to the taxes.

Learn to think for yourself. If you are incapable of doing that, then trading is not for you.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: szar.9054


For the love of god if you trade in bulk dont go raising the price 1c if there only 1-2k orders already up. If its a good margin of a fast moving item you will you product and not shot your profits in the foot.

/boils at idiots the halfed the return on tiny bags

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


the OP is 8 days old guys might want to look at that before losing their minds.

Tips To Make Money?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


the OP is 8 days old guys might want to look at that before losing their minds.

Does that make the information any less valid?

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!