Tips on the candy corn.
Ok this was actually pretty funny. I am clueless at the current prices as well but I’ll keep on dumping them anyway. I have no interest in jumping on the candy corn recipe hype.
But you don’t want to spend 15k on a bag??!?!
That’s not the only thing that requires candy corn. But it still doesn’t interest me because I know that when the base price of candy corn tanks, which is a given, the rest will fall like a house of cards as well. Plus I’m not sure what’s still to come, and how soon they’ll roll it out.
I’m currently banking corn until I’ve unlocked the crafting recipes (Jeweler, Cooking, etc.) requiring them. Then it’s Sell-High-Buy-Low-City baby. If the price never tanks this year, I just de-list my orders and buy/make some 20-slot bags the old fashioned way. I’m not interested in the mini or skin recipes anyway.
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Currently I’m just converting my Candy Corn to Cobs and storing it in my bank, while maintaining a stack or two for any cooking recipes I might want to make.
Im saving up my candycorn till next year when the prices are high. When they are worth around 2 silver again. ILL BE RACKING UP THE GOLD. Just saying farm the candy corn and bank it till summer next year. The prices will be HOT!!! I can see it. Over 100000 candy corn and then making 50 gold
Loads of people had this idea last year and bought dozens of stacks while it it was still 1s+ each and it crashed VERY shortly after to 1-2c each and stayed that way for a long time lol.
Now when karka shells were 50c, well…
I’m currently banking corn until I’ve unlocked the crafting recipes (Jeweler, Cooking, etc.) requiring them. Then it’s Sell-High-Buy-Low-City baby. If the price never tanks this year, I just de-list my orders and buy/make some 20-slot bags the old fashioned way. I’m not interested in the mini or skin recipes anyway.
Buy, it’s not worth making 20 slot candy corn bags unless it’s like 7 copper each.
Awww. sorry to burst your bubble mate, but you wont ever, eveeeeer make 50g with those candy corns.
Im an experienced TP flipper, make ~200g a day, bought multiple legendaries on the TP and i can tell you that they’ll never reach 2 silver a pop. And here’s why; they’re massively farmed, waaaay more than last year, because now you’ve that candy corn rock thingy, that you can place in your homeworld => a constant flow of new candy corn into the market, and also; there are way more players online this halloween than there were last halloween. they’ll probably rise to about… 25/35c. so lets say ~30c. 30-7 = 23c x 0,85 (15% fee @ TP) leaves us with a mere 19,55c profit per candy corn.. not really worth it in my opinion. you’ll never, ever have enough to make a decent profit.
From his shouts of “GOLD, GOOOOOLLLDD!!” I assumed the OP was joking. Or at least some kind of crazy, eccentric prospector.
Any guess how low prices will drop, O Trading Post Master?
Please consider these things:
1) Profit per stack
2) Inventory space used
3) Profit divided by time held
Say you make 2g per stack, well that is 2g/365 profit per day. Also note that I can make 3g in a single run of arah.
Please consider these things:
1) Profit per stack
2) Inventory space used
3) Profit divided by time heldSay you make 2g per stack, well that is 2g/365 profit per day. Also note that I can make 3g in a single run of arah.
Sage wisdom right here.
Northern Shiverpeakes