Town Clothes on Women

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jenasaykwa.8327


I am concerned with the severe lack of appropriate legwear for women characters, specifically humans. I am not joking about this.

The legwear we receive at character creation are nice looking trousers on men, and an ugly short skirt on women.

The riding pants are at least pants. But they don’t fit with any normal, everyday outfit.

Now you release these Kahki Cargo Shorts. I first saw them on my male character. I liked what I saw. I was planning on buying them. But since I wanted them on my female character, I switched to her first.

Boy am I glad I did. I don’t even know what you call those. But on women, those are not shorts. They have a flap in the front, and a little double drapey thing in the back. My female character can’t wear those. They look stupid. No one would wear something like that.

Can you please either:
1) Fix it so town clothes (at least legwear) appear the same on men and women?
2) Let us buy some standard pants for our women characters? Not some costume type item, not pants with a butt drape, but actual normal looking pants.

I am terribly disappointed not to be thowing money at you for your latest legwear release.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Edit: Disregard that, need to learn2read :p

The Ashwalker – Ranger
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(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jenasaykwa.8327


I specified humans in my first sentence.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aye.8392


Please. Please give us pants. Just plain, regular, everyday pants. Shorts. Jeans.

Or, provide two models — one masculine and one feminine and let us choose which ones we want for our character. Clothes should look the same no matter what gender you put them on. If I buy cargo shorts they should remain cargo shorts forever, not switch to buttdrapes when they are put onto a female character. I absolutely loathe most of the clothing for females in this game.

Human female NPCs in LA have jeans. I want some too.
Sorrows Furnace

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: owaine.7513


Agreed. I am loving the new influx of town clothes and I will probably have to buy more storage space because of it, but would absolutely worship more dignified gear for my gals. I still bought them for my guys, but was kinda shocked when I previewed them on my gals.

Also, gowns? Man I would kill (or buy a lot of gems) for some of the gorgeous dresses I see on town folk.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Alyssa.7254


Yeah the shorts are pretty bad, I don’t understand the flaps in the front in back or why the bottom of the shorts puff out. I would have actually liked a pair of shorts, assuming they were normal everyday kinda shorts.

I do however like the tops on the females. Particularly the Ornate Shirt.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: jciardha.1936


I love how the male version of the shorts help complete my human warrior’s casual “dudebro” look, but I don’t understand the allegedly equivalent female version. It’s like it was created specifically to show off as much leg as possible, without regards to the actual aethestics. Like, what are those flappy things on the front and back? If you’re going for a loincloth, just make a loincloth.

I mean, you give me this, and don’t allow me to have Daisy Duke equivalents for my guys.

I agree with the OP that there need to be more casual legwear choices, not just for human females, however, but for all genders and races. The shirts are often lovely, the pants leave a lot to be desired.

And a clothes dresser, or something. My bank mule’s groaning under all the weight.

Keeper of Buns of Men, a GW2 Tumblr Blog.

(edited by jciardha.1936)

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bonefield.9813


Yeah, I was all set to buy a pair of cargo shorts for one of my female characters, until I previewed them and realized they were some kind of burlesque costume knickers. They do not in any way, shape, or form look like cargo shorts. This game is allergic to pants, y’all. Not just in the town clothes area, but in every part of the game, and on every gender, it’s like pulling teeth to get something that’s just…pants. No flaps on the butt, no skirt attached, no coat covering it. I think there’s like three top/legs combinations total that just resembles normal pants and a normal top.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leablo.2651


No one would wear something like that.

Lara would, and… is that a thigh holster?

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Morrigan Celt Queen.7836

Morrigan Celt Queen.7836

I’d like to see elegant gowns for female characters [there already are some on female NPCs and we were promised we would be able to wear everything we can see on them!], or at least a nice long skirt to mix with the pretty shirts we got this week! There are some of us who want their female characters to look elegant and dignified :/

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


Yeah, wtf is up with the flaps on the cargo shorts on females? I have no problems with them being short-shorts and not actually cargos (in fact I prefer it), but who the hell stapled random cloth to the front and back? It’s like someone thought it would be too scandalous to have normal short-shorts and so decided to make it a caricature of the real thing. Protip: stop trying to design bizarre things for some imaginary runway and make some normal clothing for once.

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Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I would love to WvW with a skirt on my giant male Norn Guardian with his Princess Wand.. But alas, we can’t have it all.

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Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Calae.1738


The flap in the back of those shorts is hilarious.

Please tell your artists to open a magazine on women’s clothing to avoid future embarrassment.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Flaps are retro.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nerdbird.9054


Agreeing with both the point about wanting the gowns to be available and the shorts really needing to look more like cargo shorts on female characters and less like hot pants. I was really excited to see Arenanet make an effort in some of the initial information about the game about striving to give armor and clothing options that were varied depending on player taste, and it would be awesome to see follow through on that with gemstore items. Thanks!

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouse.1945


C’mon you can do better. Battle sexism and make more money at the same time!

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: anooci.7625


I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s sexist, but I definitely am not loving the cargo hot pants. The flaps on the back and front just look.. bad. And why are the legs flared out? I’m not expecting ArenaNet to be experts on womens’ fashion, but can we get like.. gowns and more feminine clothes without them being cleavage tops and hot pants?

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Torqueblue.1945


No one would wear something like that.

Well I must say you are wrong on this part. I saw A player ,who’s character was female, Wearing them. I thought to myself neat they added some new leg wear for guys and girls. Now I haven’t seen what they look like on guys ,but I do agree with you on how they look like on girls.

Not to mention I don’t see any CARGO parts anywhere. I’ll have to give another look again laters. I would like to see them lookng like Cargo shorts then I might be able to have one of my characters looking like she does in Rock band 2/3.

Also there was a Poster who was outraged by this. S/he wanted these “hot pants” on his/her Male Sylvari Character. then others joined in and said they wanted those Hot pants on there male toons too. I thought to myself again and said “noooooooo” then I remembered Mission Hill and how Jim was wearing Hot pants. THEN I said “meh ok”.

UPDATE: Okay unless that Strap on the right thigh is suppose to be a cargo,then ok there’s cargo on those shorts.

Scotch and Pills, what could possibly go wrong? – Max Payne

(edited by Torqueblue.1945)

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rednik.3809


Flap is awesome on female charr, it’s animated and covers upper part of tailbase very nicely

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Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kaihautu.4685


I agree about the cargo shorts. They looked great on my male charr, but I really wanted them for a particular female charr I have.

I’m glad I saw they turn into daisy-dukes first before I spent the gems. If there was a way to choose what style they show as, I’d still have gotten them. Until I can or until some other option is available with the same results, I won’t be getting them.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aye.8392


I would love to WvW with a skirt on my giant male Norn Guardian with his Princess Wand.. But alas, we can’t have it all.

Why not? Why can’t we have it all?!?
Sorrows Furnace

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Faowri.4159


Light armour could do with more lady trousers, too. It’s kind of annoying that rangers and thieves and engineers get all the pants. They should learn to share :[

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: selan.8354


hmm i just want queen jennas outfit and im happy :-)

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Isle of Kickaspenwood

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nighttime Glade.1209

Nighttime Glade.1209

It seems to me that this thread and New town clothes – gender discrepancy are expressing the same underlying point: a desire for greater consistency of representation and a desire for a wider breadth of choice—points which are applicable to and have been expressed with regard to town clothes, armor, “idle” emotes, etc.
Sticking to clothing for the moment, however, it seems to me that adopting Faowri’s suggestion of two sets per set, each available to each gender, would go some distance to helping the situation.
In general, it would be nice to see some more thoughtful options, designed to appeal to players of different cultural backgrounds.

Town Clothes on Women

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pownguin.9205


Female shorts look like a diaper…. I bought them anyway.