Toxic Armor Skin
Tomorrow is the last day of March sale, so i think no, there is no chance for toxic mantle and gloves… so sad i hoped that there will be toxic and grenth hood this month.
Tomorrow is the last day of March sale, so i think no, there is no chance for toxic mantle and gloves… so sad
i hoped that there will be toxic and grenth hood this month.
The day after tomorrow is the last day. There are two days of sales left. 30th and 31st.
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oh yea, my bad.
Just one last day. MY CHANCE IS LITTLE.
there is no chance, NO CHANCE!
I’ll be genuinely surprised if it doesn’t come back tomorrow. Since the sale is celebrating the end of LS part 1 and the Toxic Alliance was a part of that.
I’m personally hoping that ANet removes the Toxic Gloves/Shoulders and introduces a new Toxic Armor set. (Players who previously bought either of the armor pieces get a full new set for free.)
Oh man, my heart has sunk, it seems I’ve truly missed my opportunity for these items :\ I passed on them because of the initial scaling issue on Sylvari (the pauldrons were waaay oversized when first introduced) and I’ve held out on most skins because I thought I’d only be able to use them once (thank god for the wardrobe update).
I like Zax’s comment, though. I’d definitely spend more now to buy that set XD Hmm, where is my beg emote on here…
I’m sure if we make a petition we can get them! i was checking all month for the toxic armor pieces to return!!!! maybe even the tequatl pickaxe. what a disappointment. and didn’t the black lion keys appeared twice? no fair Anet!!