Trade post eating $ currently

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zelot.8276


I been losing 300+ gold already everytime i cancle a buy order im not getting the $ returned, this is the 1st time its happened and it keeps happening at this very moment

Lucky i caught it before it ate more then 300g,,, FYI it needs to be checked.

Something to do with being thrown into Lions arch overflow server messed it all up

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Clexzor.6351


Just ate my gems and didn’t receive my items wtf….

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GulfCoastToad.5486


Same here on the gems. I’ve waited 30 minutes in case the trading post is getting hammered, but I thought would have received my items by now. Hopefully they show up soon. Bought an item with gems from the trading post and it doesn’t show in my purchase history and no mail with the item has showed up, but the gems were deducated.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lorxo.5089


Spent gems. Received no mail. Delayed in showing that gems were spent.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GulfCoastToad.5486


I just logged in again and see the Trading Post is down for maintenance. Not sure if it is actual maintenance or if there is just too slow of a response so it shows that page, but it at least shows the TP is taking a beating.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Clexzor.6351


yeah better get my purchases or they’ll have some issues on their hands with me and other folks.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zelot.8276


It all started to go bad when they annouced the part 3 of the mad king quest, everyone swarmed to lions and the problems started…

Im not willing to accept a 300ish gold loss… lets hope for the best!

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GulfCoastToad.5486


OK, I see this is acknowledged now; weekend + holiday event = server overload.

“BLTC Deliveries

If you bought gems or items at the BLTC – delivery is slow right now, but you will get your gems/items, do not worry!

Thank you for your patience."

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590



Unfortunately, it sounds like you have come across this bug

The problem with delayed gem transaction is likely a separate issue, but those who bought gems with gold during this time period also probably will not get their gems or their gold back.

The only way to guard against this bug for cancelling buy orders is to always cancel a single buy order of low value and confirm that the funds reach your pickup box. Unfortunately, none of the people hit by this bug have ever had their gold or items returned. If you’ve ever paid real money for gems, there is a chance they might reimburse you with some gems. Otherwise, there isn’t much hope.

ANet staff have only made two comments about the issue: either the victims of this bug were hacked, or a simple denial that any problem exists (“gold and items are never lost”). Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to get anyone to even acknowledge the bug exists, much less gotten assurances that it would be fixed. The thread I linked was once a catalogue of support tickets and explanations from bug victims but it has been purged by moderators.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zelot.8276


My sales operation is so huge theres no way i can know for sure how much i lost, i did get some of the $$ back from cancled orders but i certain i lost atleast 80-100g today

1 minute after they annouced part 3 of the madking quest, the lag caused screwed it up..

wish i knew for sure how much $ i lost, id make a much bigger stink about it had i been 100% sure the amounts here.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Clearly you were hacked since gold and items are never lost.

Trade post eating $ currently

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


There’s still a pretty good chance the gold will appear within a day or so. I’ve had that happen to me.