Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sashi.9436


Me and other members of my guild have all been having problems with the TC. The Error that comes up is the Error: Invalid Authorization. Other people have been able to get into the TC and buy stuff and earlier today i was able to. Now i can’t get into it. AT one point I got in but was not able to buy anything and got an Firewall error (note its not an Firewall Error I was in Game and saw the listen item but not the listed buy or sale orders just average price).

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anastasia.8697


When I’ve had this error, closing out of the client and restarting it usually fixes it.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sashi.9436


I did that and it came back. Was talking to an Anet inside the game told me to post here. When i got back in it worked till i wanted to buy something then failed. Relogged and Bam Error was back.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anastasia.8697


That sucks! I’m sorry it’s so persistent for you, I hope they fix it.
It might help to post the server you and your guild are on as well.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AcFiBu.9624


I’ve been getting the same error since the patch earlier. I completely relogged several times and finally got it working. Then a notice came up for another build. Patched again and now no matter how many times I relog I can’t get it to work again. Error: Invalid Authorization is all I get.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: avshar.1460


I also noticed the “projected profits” listed when you sell something are not correct. When i tried to sell 250 black peppercorns at 6 copper each the projected profits should have been 1500 copper minus the transaction fee. It instead listed them at 490 copper. WAAAY off. Since then i have tried selling things and it keeps giving me the wrong amount. I have not sold anything just in case its going to give me those wrong profits instead of what i deserve.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


I keep getting that firewall connection error as well

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Quiznos.4296


now I’m getting the ERROR: Invalid Authorization error.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trillistar.4071


Usually this just means it logged you out of the TP an dyou just need to relog into game to fix, but today its been recurring regardless. I have been unable to actually sell anything on the TP and every time I try this error occurs on my next attempted TP access.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stormkiller.9862


I’ve also been having this since the patch.

The only way I found of fixing it so far is to run the ORIGINAL game EXE.
I usually hsve 3 shortcuts on my desktp, 1 for patching, one for image and 1 for starting the game with certain command-line parameters. Now I need 4.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere…

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trillistar.4071


Running without any paramaters seems to be working for me now too. Allready miss the fov though:(

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sashi.9436


Im on Tarnished Coast btw. Byt yea im still getting this error today as are my friends

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Majikthise.2381


Please fix this, it totally screws guilds who rely on Mumble Overlay.

I have been unable to use the trading post since Wednesday, and you’re making me choose between the TP and Mumble Overlay

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Draethos.3765


This is such a waste of space. There are no bugs with the TP. If you are unable to use the TP it is either down or unable to connect to you via P2P. Reload the game client. If you are using any attachments or alterations to the game, you should know kitten well why you can’t use the TP.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


Draethos is the waste of space. If you invoke the game with documented, supported options the trading company should work. There is no reason for anyone to assume that running the game with vertical field of view enabled should cause the trading company to report invalid auth.

FWIW I get one of two different errors, either the “invalid authorization” in big caps or a popup with ‘unable to access the login server, code 10:45:6:62:101. Logging out and back in will usually change which error I get, but not that I can’t access the BLTC.

For me, this all started with the 11/15 patch.

Trading Company Error: Invalid Authorization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ieyasu.4096


Bringing this back up for consideration. Mumble users unite! We need our overlay back!

Organizer – Ex Cineribus