Trading Post Broken

Trading Post Broken

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: HeavyVee.2453


I have sold some items in the trading post but no profit was delivered.
also i bought items and they weren’t delivered.

the items/profit is there but i can’t pick them up, no , this is not my problem.
my problem is the items/profit never show up in the pick up section so i can pick them up.

i am sure about it, also i have many successful trades so it is not my first time.
i have been waiting now for 4 days

what is going on? did i lost my golds? or it is just a delay?

(edited by HeavyVee.2453)

Trading Post Broken

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Wrong subforum

edit: nice move, mods.


(edited by Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713)

Trading Post Broken

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DefMatrixUltra.8590


Unfortunately, no one from ANet has even acknowledged the existence of this bug. We’ve been told two things so far: either our accounts were hacked or simply “gold and items are never lost™”. A lot of good, constructive posts have been made about this issue but it’s uncertain if bug has ever been looked at.

Sending a ticket in to support is fruitless as they will not reimburse any losses. The only exception is if you have spent real money on gems – in which case they might reimburse you with some gems. Unfortunately gold and items are lost forever.