Trading Post not loading anything
I’m having a similar problem. I can browse what is for sale & make purchases but the TP won’t access my inventory & I am subsequently unable to sell anything.
I have the exact same issue as you Quanticoz, I can do everything on the trading post, but when it comes to the buying screen, it shows this signs that it keeps on loading. I tried once to let it load, and after 2 hours, still nothing.
I wish I could fix this myself, yet I can’t find any answer to this porblem, and there doesnt seems to have any developpement on my ticket either.
Here’s a screen shot of the issue.
Ya thats the same screen I get, and I too tried just about everything I can think of to fix the problem and nothing seems to work.
I hope someone has an answer to this issue.
Bump. Just so everybody can look at it on the first page.
Says its down for me. Was working perfectly fine, now its down…..
Even after the maintenance, I am still getting the same issue… Look at my reply on the same post for more info.
Had the same problem Trading Post loaded blank and I eventually missed out that vile Baseball cap.
Recently been running Game Booster (which turned off other applications running) in the background and Trading Post feature all came up correctly. So I’m guessing this probably had something to do with application conflict running in background, just don’t know which one. Anyone have any idea? The font on Trading Post also looked a little oddly low-res.
Considering I have been runing with gamebooster since the game lauch, I’m not sure qhy would it work for you and not for me…
Why has a ANet dev not responded to this yet?
Same issue here as well, I can load the TP, and browse what is for sale, but cannot sell anything. It’s as if I have no inventory according to the TP.
Same problem here. I’ve never had an issue like this either, so this is new for me.
same here loads up but wont let me sell anything.. .
i have had this problem for a few days already. posted 2 bug reports, still no answer. horrible
Just wanted to update that mine’s working fine now.
how did u ge kitten to work? mine is still bugged
bump! we need a fix please!
If you are experiencing the blank trading post problem and have tried clearing cache/running as admin/changing languages/adding the awesomium_process.exe to firewall etc,
Try restarting your modem.
My friend and I tried for a week to fix this problem and somehow we didn’t think to restart the modem.
Here’s how I fixed it. I run on Windows 7 x64.
Right-click the Shortcut on your desktop, go to Properties, go to the Compatibility tab, check the box with: “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and select: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
Worked for me! Hope it helps!
3 days ago they had done maintenance on the trading post. I know many who have had varying issues with it and their accounts since this occurred, myself included.
As Zepi alluded to, in GW2 open your BLTrading Post, immediately when you click to open the TP a new process will be started on your computer titled “awesomium_process.exe” (Do not worry if it says *32 after it if you are on a 64-bit system). If the process doesn’t start then there may be an issue with the installation or the process is blocked from being allowed to start. If this process starts but is not permitted to access the Internet then your Trading Post will be unable to load any data since the TP accesses information from a separate server than that which the game resources are hosted on.
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i am unable to see trading post but i can sell items but cannot see any on the trading post as well as it has been going on the last few days and is stopping my progress. please fix soon!
Here’s how I fixed it. I run on Windows 7 x64.
Right-click the Shortcut on your desktop, go to Properties, go to the Compatibility tab, check the box with: “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and select: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)Worked for me! Hope it helps!
I actually never thought of this, but it was the only useful post that I came across that actually helped! Thanks so much.
I have this problem since beta… yet nobody fixed it. Anyways, I have 99% solution for it, but it’s always temporary for your current instance of the game – go to options, switch text language to anything else you are using, e.g. I am using English, so I switch to French and then back to English… that makes TP reload and voilá, it works.
As I said, I am doing this since beta and still working for me, although I find it very sad, that it has not been 100% fixed even after a year of playing.
(Windows 8 32bit)
Aurora Glade