Trading post
I think you meant exotic. Erotic items are notably different.
Yes, no one really likes preowned erotic items.
Erotic weapon..? That’s why they call it a Greatsword.
Raging Greatsword of Babe Slaying
Erotic- Level 80
69 Copper
I cant stop laughing
They’re soulbound on use. You can’t resale soulbound items.
Erotic weapon..? That’s why they call it a Greatsword.
made my day
Lovisha – Human Guardian — Nyrna – Human Thief
Server: Elonafels [DE]/Elona Reach
Yes, no one really likes preowned erotic items.
I +1’d this post. XD
Ok fun over, i have same problem. I bought exotic armor, but never used it, only put into my inventory. Moved to another alt (guild WvW needed warrior) so I then wanted to sell that exotic which I NEVER USED. But was unable to.
If you applied a rune to the armor (or sigil to the weapon) it becomes soulbound and can’t be sold… (no matter how erotic it may be)
OK i thought so, but description on the armor has not changed, there was still Soulbound on use.
If you applied a rune to the armor (or sigil to the weapon) it becomes soulbound and can’t be sold… (no matter how erotic it may be)
Haven’t tried on Exotic but for the lower rarity ones it is actually Account Bound rather than Soulbound. It will become Soulbound after equipping.
Are you putting them in invisible or item/rarity specific bags? TP can only access regular bags I think.
Invisible bags are perfect to carry your erotic items in. Allows you to be discreet.
ok guys exotic. I was trying to talk to a friend on the phone and type. I guess erotic was and automatic response. Don’t get any ideas. lol
I will try crafting something and selling it on the TP and i will get back to you.
OMG this thread just made my day, LOL
Thank you guys
Bahaha. This thread reminds me of one I saw on the bf3 forums “help with glitch, cannot ejaculate from jet seat”.
On a serious note, the items you were trying to sell were probably Soulbound.