Tradingpost broken?
That is actually a bug sometimes happens if you sell too fast, however if that was the only thing you were selling it should not pop up right away.
To be honest I’m also having a problem. I had around 30 things listed for sale and they are not showing in the “items I’m selling window” and there was no gold for pickup.
Usually these things fix themselves though so I’m not really worried yet.
Whole thing is broken can’t buy or sell
It is broken. Overloaded like every evening. One and half year after premiere and they cat fix this one up! SHAME!
And this happens when i try to sell like every half minute. This continues even after i relog. Broken piece of trash…
(edited by Medrayled.8237)
That is actually a bug sometimes happens if you sell too fast, however if that was the only thing you were selling it should not pop up right away.
To be honest I’m also having a problem. I had around 30 things listed for sale and they are not showing in the “items I’m selling window” and there was no gold for pickup.
Usually these things fix themselves though so I’m not really worried yet.
I actually know that bug. It appeared when I sold a lot of dyes (since im doing tpvp mainly the only thing I could sell for like 18 months were dyes), but when the error message came up, the dye stayed in my inventory, so not exactly the same…
(edited by josh.7390)
Yep, this isn’t the usual suppression for selling too quickly, the whole thing is not working.
It’s not working for me either. Restarting or relog doesn’t help.
Heavens Rage
Maybe too many users from China release?
Maybe too many users from China release?
China doesnt effect NA/EU. Afaik its a closed system, otherwise probably the whole game would crash
Hello all, we’re aware of the issue and have disabled the Trading Post while we investigate. Thank you for your patience.
How long will it take till we can use the trading post again?
Yeah, an estimate would be nice, hitting 80 just when the trading post goes down, is annoying.
Well since it’s not scheduled maintenance I would say it’ll be fixed when it’s fixed. Also Danicia is likely not located where the TP servers are so it’s not like she can pop down a few cubicles to ask. And since the employees who work on the TP servers or connection to the Internet don’t report to Danicia I suspect she’ll find out only if she goes through company channels which is both time consuming, susceptible to “telephone game” garbling of information. She’ll find out when we find it working again.
RIP City of Heroes
Behellagh speaks like someone who’s worked in the tech support industry. An ETA, even one that might not be kept, would be nice, even using language like “We estimate it might take x hours, but cannot make any guarantees” even if it wasn’t taken care of in x hours it’d make me a lot happier to know if I should wait around and keep checking or if I should not worry about it at all.
Also Danicia is likely not located where the TP servers are so it’s not like she can pop down a few cubicles to ask. And since the employees who work on the TP servers or connection to the Internet don’t report to Danicia I suspect she’ll find out only if she goes through company channels which is both time consuming, susceptible to “telephone game” garbling of information.
Yes, that is her job.
Shame this unforeseen issue has occured, I wanted to try a new build tonight :/.
No, I’m a software developer. But giving a deadline so shortly after something breaks is nearly impossible to do. There isn’t an infrastructure equivalent to duck tape.
Why did it break? How long ago? Is it a piece of equipment? Which piece of equipment? Or is it a software problem? Which piece of software? Did rebooting/cycling power “fix it”? Is it a DDOS attack? Is the problem with their ISP? Is it a regional problem?
They likely have a documented procedure to work though which could fix the problem along the way if that doesn’t pan out then it’s gumshoeing it figure out what it is.
In any case they can’t estimate anything to any degree of reliability so simply acknowledging they are aware of it is as good as any estimate they can provide.
RIP City of Heroes
I think they need to take the TP out of beta and update it. The only MMO auction house I’ve used that is so slow to post and can’t handle volume. However on the upside (for ArenaNet), the last time it was down for a long time people started to buy more bank and inventory space because they couldn’t sell their stuff.
Also Danicia is likely not located where the TP servers are so it’s not like she can pop down a few cubicles to ask. And since the employees who work on the TP servers or connection to the Internet don’t report to Danicia I suspect she’ll find out only if she goes through company channels which is both time consuming, susceptible to “telephone game” garbling of information.
Yes, that is her job.
Shame this unforeseen issue has occured, I wanted to try a new build tonight :/.
No her job, “community coordinator” might as well say “cat herder”. They are the online equivalent of a press secretary. They can’t demand answers. They can’t influence developers. They report what they are told. All they can do is ask. Strongly.
RIP City of Heroes
I wanted to buy a Vision of the Mist for my Mesmer, already got my money there it just suddenly stop working. What a bad news. :/
I’ve received word that it should all be working fine again. Please let us know if it is not working for you.
Broken again same issue.
“Down for Maintenance”
Different issue, but indeed, it’s offline again. Will keep you posted.
Thank you! Take all the time that is needed GW2 is the best!
Do you have a rough idea of when it will be fixed?
Do you have a rough idea of when it will be fixed?
Time is relevant to how much we care, as long as it remains down we will miss it and ask for it’s return but once it’s back up we will probably forget it was even down.
Just pretend it’s back up but you don’t want to use it right now
Edit: The gold seller spam is getting out of hand in GF though
~Dr. Seuss
(edited by Muusic.2967)
I wonder why it would just suddenly break.
There’s barely anyone online on my friends list so it wasn’t caused by sudden traffic.
lol, as if your friends list means anything to the trading post :P
hahahahahah so funny.
:S ok so they go through the hassle of this that and the other. What about letting AMD & NIVIDIA etc Optimize gw2 so every one can enjoy that much missed and muched LOVED 60 FPS and actually enjoy playing a smooth WvW and World Dragons etc i would say that should be more prioritized and not the TP and yet you rake in more $$$ By Releasing Gw2 in china yet you wont Optimize “Geed Gets Amazing Things No Where”. Not bashing much i love the game but it needs a kick up the ar*e when it comes to fps.
Logged on and checked the trading post, it was up. Went to sell some stuff. The first item I put up for sale, hit the sell button, took about 30-45 seconds to return the “Error attempting to sell” message. The item is now gone from my inventory and wasn’t on the “Items I’m selling” or “Items I’ve Sold” list, before the “My Transactions” tab was back to Down for Maintenance. So the trading post seems to be accessible when you first log on, but then eats the first item you’re trying to sell.
Which was an Eternity I was trying to sell. And it got eaten. Yeah. >_>
lol, as if your friends list means anything to the trading post :P
hahahahahah so funny.
I have a very large friends list comprised of many people with over 15,000 AP.
It is safe for me to say if they are not online, there aren’t very many other people online either.
lol @ you again get a grip on reality man :P
your friend list may be big but it is nothing compared to the sheer number of transactions handled by the TP every single second.hahahahahahha stop my stomach hurts from laughing so much please.
Maybe you want to go back to school and learn what population sampling is?
15700+ AP = top 1000 players that play all the time
Gewd you’re getting trolled, don’t feed them or they’ll never go away.
~Dr. Seuss
Heh, glad I bought some xtra bank space.
Isn’t it great that you can still buy stuf like that even tho TP down?
Oh yea gem store works great.
Oh yea gem store works great.
same thing just happened to me. Trade was working momentarily tried selling it hung and said error pulled the item out of inventory and did not take on trade post. GG im out of here before I say something I really won’t regret lol
Oh yea gem store works great.
I know right.
TP is a separate data base. Gem Store and Exchange isn’t on it.
RIP City of Heroes
I cant even send mail in-game, related?
TP is a separate data base. Gem Store and Exchange isn’t on it.
Shows where they allocate resources eh?
TP is a separate data base. Gem Store and Exchange isn’t on it.
Shows where they allocate resources eh?
Yep pretty much. But they also know if a major part of their game the trading post is down people wont fork over cash. Im sure they are in panic mode at the moment. It is sad though.
All we can do is be patient.
TP is a separate data base. Gem Store and Exchange isn’t on it.
Shows where they allocate resources eh?
No, just that they put three different systems onto the same overall front end interface. Would it be any better if the Gem Shop and exchange had their own interface triggered by their own icon and/or key?
The bottom four tabs relate to the TP with it’s servers and it’s own database. Nothing to do with allocated resources. There been times in the past where the Gem Store went down while the TP remained up.
RIP City of Heroes
TP is a separate data base. Gem Store and Exchange isn’t on it.
Shows where they allocate resources eh?
No, just that they put three different systems onto the same overall front end interface. Would it be any better if the Gem Shop and exchange had their own interface triggered by their own icon and/or key?
The bottom four tabs relate to the TP with it’s servers and it’s own database. Nothing to do with allocated resources. There been times in the past where the Gem Store went down while the TP remained up.
They should hire you. You so calm and me so not. Just wanna sell some stuff and empty me saddle bags a bit.
Well I’m not in game at the moment. And I only go to the TP at the end of my gaming session.
Most everything I get is salvaged and deposited into collections during play. Overflow + 50 is what I TP from my collections and maybe a few items that I could get a lot more whole than salvaged (talking rares and exotics) at the end of the session.
RIP City of Heroes
Yeah, I’m a big salvage freek as well. Thx 4 reminding me of deposit. I usually just sell the junk as I go.
aww i know lets look that their twitter for a update the link on their twitter tells me to come hear and the last we heard any thing from them was 2 hours ago wtf!!!
im hearing in game that there are ppl that are able to get on…sadly i am not one of those individuals.
I hope they fix whatever is going on soon, I’m waiting on some things to sell so I can finish my legendary O n O
I was so excited that I got in, but then I tried to sell something. Error selling item and now it has disappeared. Yay.