Unable to get free items from gem store
Isn’t that what that tab basically always looks like?
It’s not specific for you, it’s promotions to every player in the game whether they have bought or not. Whether they got free stuff or stuff on sale. It’s a standard set page.
Ok, but why can’t I get the free item today if I got it in a previous sale? Is that intended?
What free item are you talking about?
The “free” key was offered last week. If you took advantage of it, then it’s no longer available. If you didn’t and you just noticed, you post “hey there’s a free key available on the TP”. They want players to buy keys so they are under promotions. Promotion doesn’t mean sale or limited time.
RIP City of Heroes
This says this week we have a free key (posted april 29th, yesterday). The other items are available in my gemstore (mad king’s outfit can be seen in the screenshot), but not the “zero gems option” for the key.
It’s not a big deal anyway, but it’s annoying because I see thant something is not clear.
I have the same issue. I saw the post dated the 29th and checked the Gem store a few hours later but it was NOT in the Promotions tab. I thought it might appear after the daily reset and checked again, but it still was not there. I re-logged in to see if it would help and still no free key on the promotions tab. I clicked it anyway to see if the display was wrong and got prompted to buy the key. I tried looking in the other tabs and using search but no free key available via this method either. This happened on the last free item too (Magic Booster). Disappointed.
Funny, they were offered free late last week, Thursday night or Friday. Maybe someone jumped the gun at the store but the announcement didn’t go out until yesterday.
That’s the whole reason we have this thread.
RIP City of Heroes
It’s confusingly written and the timing of it is bad because I can’t imagine they would give away 2 keys so close together. Imo, they had the key give away then announced it. (No comment on quality control here).
I think this wouldn’t be the first time they do a promotion in the gem store, then announce that it’s there a few days later.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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1 free key per account. If you got it last week you’re ahead of the pack.
We dropped the note in the blog yesterday because we noticed there were quite a number of folks who hadn’t picked theirs up yet.
same issue here
same issue here
Did you even bother to read the red post right above yours?
Is it still a bug that you need to have less than 10 mails in your inbox for you to be able to get items you bought on the gem store? (free item = bought for 0 gems)
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Is it still a bug that you need to have less than 10 mails in your inbox for you to be able to get items you bought on the gem store? (free item = bought for 0 gems)
Yes, though it doesn’t seem to be a bug but rather a limit.
“You can only have 10 player-generated messages in your mailbox at any given time. Your current volume is denoted as Inbox n/10”.
Once your mailbox has reached this limit, you will not receive any mails that have been sent; mail beyond the limit will be queued to a backlog and received after you delete items in your inbox.
A full inbox will also prevent deliveries of Gem Store purchases and certain other in-game messages. To prevent this from happening, keep your inbox as empty as possible."
a good way of doing it would be a chest in the bottom right that gives you what you purchase. or gem store purchases appear before your other mail. It’s lazy that the ability to get the items you pay money for would be dependent on an empty inbox. hence; bug. not all bugs are game-breaking.
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