Unit price must be higher than vendor value.

Unit price must be higher than vendor value.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Uxian.6743


Apologies if anyone has posted about this before. I couldn’t find anything when searching for either vendor or unit price.

Why is it that people can still place orders for items at lower than vendor value? Sellers can’t meet those orders so all it does is prevent anyone from making a quick sale. While it may not be an exploit it should at least be considered griefing when a player puts in an order for 1c for an item that sells to the vendor for 32c just for the sake of fouling up the system.

(Yes I have /bugged this several times including during the first week the BLTC was available).

Unit price must be higher than vendor value.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: goldi.3129


Those orders have been placed before the rule that is now in place was introduced. Anet has mentioned that those bos will be eventually taken out of the system.

Unit price must be higher than vendor value.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Uxian.6743


Thanks for the quick response.

Unit price must be higher than vendor value.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leablo.2651


Not sure how it affects the system anyhow. Implying that this is a form of griefing is a bit melodramatic.