Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


These chests have a chance to contain precursors, right? I believe ecto and other exotic goodies as well but I may be wrong. Now consider the following:

Question: Will these reward chests for ranks be given for people who already have Ranks? For example will a Rank 60 player receive 60 chests?

There will be a system for rewarding players who have already gained ranks. The way it will work is you will have a backlog of 60 chests, if you were at rank 61, and for each rank you achieve after that you will get 2 chests, instead of 1, until you’ve received all 60 of your backlog. These bonus chests should be available for every player who has gained rank prior to the build.

This means the precursor market will in the weeks following 28 May slowly but surely explode (read: tank) a bit, no?

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nike.2631


Given the usual drop rates, I’d expect the entire population of 24 servers to abruptly come into possession of maybe 10 precursors total – with 6 of them being kept by the person who got it out of the chest. The precursor market is in no danger from the other 4 suddenly being introduced…

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I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
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Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: roamzero.9486


My guess is that these chests will be like those PVE overworld boss chests you can get once a day. I.E. you’ll be lucky to see an exotic come out of these once a month, much less a precursor.

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


My guess is that these chests will be like those PVE overworld boss chests you can get once a day. I.E. you’ll be lucky to see an exotic come out of these once a month, much less a precursor.

wrong. You’ll get one chest per Rank you aquire. So if you’d gain 5 ranks on a single day, you’d get 5 chests.

Now there is people that have world ranks already. Those people would get an additional chest per rank until they received all their chests they would have gotten so far if that system was introduced from the start.

So this person doing 5 ranks per day would get 10 chests per day until he doubled his current rank.

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Ectos will probably drop in price even more… Precursors, however, I’m pretty sure these chest will have the same odds of getting a precursor as bonking a skritt in Queensland, so I wouldn’t wager on a drastic drop (barring any lemmings mucking around with the market).

…would be nice if the precursor market did crash though. Just to amuse me.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


They also said that guild mission chest can drop precursors. But i’ve never even heard of one instance of any person in any guild ever getting one.

In fact i’ve only seen like 2-3 exotics from guild chests out of my guild which fields 60 people for all 4 guild missions every week.

So I wouldn’t get your hopes up for exotics or precursors.

Also 5 ranks in a day is pretty much impossible unless you play for 24 hours straight. two ranks a day for hardcore players, 1 rank a day for moderate players, and about half a rank a day for most players.

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


well that was just an example to make it clear :P I’m well aware that 5 ranks is rally alot ^^

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


This will have very little effect on the precursor market. The precursor chance is low to begin with.

Go look at what the daily boss chests have done to the precursor market after everyone decided it was worth it to farm now. Nothing.

I don’t even think we’ll see a material impact on the glob market either.

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Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Astraea.6075


I agree that this change is unlikely to materially affect the precursor market, but I’m not so certain that it won’t affect ectos. Remember that this change means that some people who weren’t previously spending time chasing world bosses will now be rewarded for in a similar fashion to those who do. I don’t have the numbers to judge how significant the impact might be however.

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


They also said that guild mission chest can drop precursors. But i’ve never even heard of one instance of any person in any guild ever getting one.

In fact i’ve only seen like 2-3 exotics from guild chests out of my guild which fields 60 people for all 4 guild missions every week.

So I wouldn’t get your hopes up for exotics or precursors.

Also 5 ranks in a day is pretty much impossible unless you play for 24 hours straight. two ranks a day for hardcore players, 1 rank a day for moderate players, and about half a rank a day for most players.

That one is going to be hard to determine. They are also adding a change to make more things give WXP.

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pixieish.9627


I agree that this change is unlikely to materially affect the precursor market, but I’m not so certain that it won’t affect ectos. Remember that this change means that some people who weren’t previously spending time chasing world bosses will now be rewarded for in a similar fashion to those who do. I don’t have the numbers to judge how significant the impact might be however.

I’m wagering there’ll be a drop (say up to 5 silver even) when all the tier 1-3 servers open up their 50 chests all at once, but I’m also wagering that the ecto market will hop back up to current levels considering how I’m fairly sure that even with WXP chests, WvW will hardly provide as much rares as PvE.

That is, in my newbish opinion anyways. :b

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Curo.2483


Just about any chest in the game can drop a precursor, albeit with a very low percentage. All this update is doing is adding a new way to get chests. The amount of people that spend all their time in WvW (you may call them non-chest-farmers) is not high enough to be adding a significant amount of chest loot to the market.

Very very very few players gain 5 ranks a day. Most don’t even gain 5 ranks a week. Now compare this to the 10+ meta event chests that lots of players get every day. IMO adding the API will add more chest loot to the market than adding WvW chests. Suddenly we have people farming 5 extra bosses every day.

And nobody will be “opening up 50 chests at once”. There will be a slow trickle of double-chests per rank until people have received their backlogged chests. Backlogged chests are NOT being given to players at once. They will receive one every time they gain a WvW rank.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org

Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

-raises hand- simple noob question but what do they mean by ranks? I don’t WvW much so many I just haven’t noticed but I wasn’t aware of any ranks to be gained.


Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


-raises hand- simple noob question but what do they mean by ranks? I don’t WvW much so many I just haven’t noticed but I wasn’t aware of any ranks to be gained.

Doing WvW activities rewards wxp. You earn ranks just the same way as you earn levels when doing PvE activities.

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Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


-raises hand- simple noob question but what do they mean by ranks? I don’t WvW much so many I just haven’t noticed but I wasn’t aware of any ranks to be gained.

You get WvW xp and as you level that you attain ranks. The wiki is your friend.


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Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chaotic Storm.2815

Chaotic Storm.2815

ah, that explains it, haven’t visited WvW since it got added. Thanks


Upcoming WvW chests - retroactive system

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Buttercup.5871


Wow, after opening these chests I can verify they are even more underwhelming as people initially expected. I mean, with Anet’s track record on precursors, expectations were low – but this, pffff. Why am I even surprised.