Useful tools & websites for BLTC playing?
Their recommendations change based on pricing every hour.
This script does assume there are “infinite” of an item at a given cost, so if they all get bought up, or there is very few available during the update window prices may be wrong until the next update.
I have developed my own crafting tool that doesn’t assume “infinite” and gets current prices because assuming “infinite” is risky and can lead you to lose money if you decide to craft more than one.
(edited by DarkSpirit.7046)
There are a number of sites that can give you an “over the thumb” view of where money can be made, but they’re all lacking in one way or another. Either their data is delayed, they’re running their calculations based on the lowest current sell price, etc.
The best way to make money on the TP is to create your own tool using the unofficial API. Doing your own analysis is the best way to give you an advantage.
Starting small and using websites like is a good place to start though. Once you start getting some of the basics for your analysis, your “tool” will grow and evolve. If you’re serious about playing on the Trading Post, you’ll likely start by creating a simple spreadsheet that tracks a few items. Once you have that, you’ll want more and look for ways to automate it. After that, it’s likely that you’ll create your own database that automatically updates the data and runs the analysis for you. That’s what I did.
Most of the time I have spent to make money was actually in development of the tool I use to analyze the TP. I want to spend as little of my in-game time making money so that I can actually play the game. I started by looking for an item, or group of items, that could provide profit but required more information than was available online. The first group of items I started with were containers. While information about flipping containers is available online, I found that if I bought certain containers I could make more money selling the contents than I could flipping the container itself. The key was that the drop research isn’t online anywhere or what is online is lacking in information. By doing my own research, I was able to look at every single container in one shot and have my database tell me which ones I should buy to make money with.
After that, I expanded my database to analyze generic Mystic Forge recipes. After that….crafting recipes. Now, the tool I’ve created is basically complete and I can bounce back and forth between markets easily to broaden my investments.
Flipping can be used to make a little bit of money a lot of times….until your competition catches up with you.
Speculation can yield enormous rewards, but it also comes with an enormous amount of risk.
I wanted a tool that allows me to make decent money, whenever I want, with low to zero risk of losing my investment.
Sure, some people get lucky and end up making a truckload of money, but the ones that are truly investing in the TP are doing it intelligently and have created their own tools for analysis. It’s not as “easy” as everyone seems to think it is. It does take work, but it pays off in the end.
Logic will never win an argument on the forums…..only a sense of entitlement will.
Don’t recall the name, but there is a very powerful utility tool available (or at least it was) that did some serious number crunching to show what crafting was profitable in near real time. The downside was you had to enter your account log in credentials so the program could access the TP and that is a risk I’m not willing to take with my account security.
The author of the tool is a regular here (found out about it in this forum) and seriously think it’s a trustworthy program, but I’m just too cynical to trust any 3rd party program with my account log in info.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Don’t recall the name, but there is a very powerful utility tool available (or at least it was) that did some serious number crunching to show what crafting was profitable in near real time. The downside was you had to enter your account log in credentials so the program could access the TP and that is a risk I’m not willing to take with my account security.
The author of the tool is a regular here (found out about it in this forum) and seriously think it’s a trustworthy program, but I’m just too cynical to trust any 3rd party program with my account log in info.
That is precisely the sort of situation that ArenaNet would have solved when they get their OAuth2 implementation working on their apis, so you don’t need to hand over your credentials to a third party application.
Thanks for the replies all.
I’ve jumped into the API and made a spreadsheet which updates whenever I tell it to with up to date buy/sell/profit etc style data on the markets I’m currently interested in.
Hoping to develop it further, no idea how to play the tp currently though so if anyone wants to chat – please pm me!
Thanks for the replies all.
I’ve jumped into the API and made a spreadsheet which updates whenever I tell it to with up to date buy/sell/profit etc style data on the markets I’m currently interested in.
Hoping to develop it further, no idea how to play the tp currently though so if anyone wants to chat – please pm me!
Any new player reading this should keep in mind no site (nor the API) actually give you information about items selling.
That sounds like a minor detail, but if you’re not careful, you will assume reductions in supply mean sales… they don’t, and that can cause you to make poor decisions when you start trading higher level items.