Wait to convert gems?

Wait to convert gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Golgathoth.3967



I bought 800 gems today, and while the current conversion to gold is pretty good, I’m thinking that it might be better around the Mad King holiday. I remember that last year gem prices skyrocketed (for the time) within hours. What do you all think?

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Wait to convert gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nub.2391



in the 1 year of GW2 history. gems never go back. it either go up or moving around the balance point, up and down.
and with the gold inflation + holiday season coming. you know what will happen.
my guess is that it’ll go even as low as 1g =10 gems or worst. i already bought 20k when it was 1g =25gems. lucky my goal in gw2 isnt legendary so i stock some hundred K gems when it was 100 gems = 25s

(edited by Nub.2391)

Wait to convert gems?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


If you are saving them for a rainy day to use in the Gem Store then, it’s a plan. I buy gems every day with gold, 1% of what I have in the bank, except Monday evenings before a big patch when I spend 5%.

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