Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shadowborn.3529


Simple really, many people get lucky on these event weeks walking away from opening a few chests with a weapon skin ticket or more and others like myself spend in game gold in the exchage or their real money to open lots of chests to get nothing one after another. Fair enough but at least after these events bring the skins into the BL Trading post so we can purchase these for gems or give us craftable options through karma recipes. I’ve gone though many main events now with different weapon skin chests, spent numerous amounts on gold to get nothing in return!

I find this to be unfair. I’ve worked hard to gain my legendary so dont give me cr*p about working hard for items. It’s about time people who play this game for long periods and put the hours in should be given the option to refine their character with weapon skins of past events, through the store or crafting.

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fox Soul.4809

Fox Soul.4809

for karma recipes? u mad?
RNG is R N G. Deal With It.
is like when you play lottery… You know that the chances for the instarich are near impossible… but you continue buying lottery…

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


i think tho OP is refering to the weapons that cant be bought in any other way other than via this “lottery”.

OP, i see where you are coming from, but i think that a few things have to be locked in rng like these weapons are or some armourpiece. it’s what makes them exclusive and rare. you could argue that making them not acc-bound would solve the problem, but that would just make the entire thing pointless more or less. as it will essentially boil down to winning lots of money or not doing it.

see this type of a lottery as a “winn a signed t-shirt by [insert popular singer]” type of lottery. you can’t really buy it for money. hope you see my point. rng is frustrating sometimes, but it’s something we have to deal with as mmo players, it’s a essential part of the game.

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fox Soul.4809

Fox Soul.4809

Even if they skins could be sold in TP it will cost the enought amount of money for ppl complain about the skyrocket price…

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rouven.7409


It’s the greatest gold sink of all. Everyone can spend another 2-4 silver.

Yes, I’m bored with the concept.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Shadowborn.3529


for karma recipes? u mad?
RNG is R N G. Deal With It.
is like when you play lottery… You know that the chances for the instarich are near impossible… but you continue buying lottery…

LOL yeah and you go through your whole life hoping to win and you dont “wake up”!!! So your saying a “GAME” has to deal with these same odds. Thas stupid. Something needs to be implemented to give everyone a chance to take away at least one weapon skin from these events through either hard work completing all objectives or High level crafting be it the same as making some Eldrich scroll wepaon etc. Or to open these skins in the Gem Store for a limited time. Any of these is an easy fix that still gives Anet a win/win situation keeping people in game playing or paying.

Weapon Skin NO-TICKET Give via TP or Crafting

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lisa.6102


for karma recipes? u mad?
RNG is R N G. Deal With It.
is like when you play lottery… You know that the chances for the instarich are near impossible… but you continue buying lottery…

LOL yeah and you go through your whole life hoping to win and you dont “wake up”!!! So your saying a “GAME” has to deal with these same odds. Thas stupid. Something needs to be implemented to give everyone a chance to take away at least one weapon skin from these events through either hard work completing all objectives or High level crafting be it the same as making some Eldrich scroll wepaon etc. Or to open these skins in the Gem Store for a limited time. Any of these is an easy fix that still gives Anet a win/win situation keeping people in game playing or paying.

ahhhh everyone does have a “Chance”