What to do with my Mithril and Elder

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sostronk.8167


So I have been accumulating alot of this. But what can I do with it? Why is it so valuable? I do a calculation on converting it into rares and throwing it into the forge. I don’t particularly like the Mystic Forge, but I did it to speculate. The value of one rare would be around 24 silver, as in, if I straight up sold the mats including the 15% sales cost thats what it would work out to. So it seems like rares into the forge aren’t a good way to go, which I am glad since I hate RNG. But what other options do I have other than straight up selling them on the TP?

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ensign.2189


Buying T5 fine mats and selling high demand forge-food rares is a pretty decent profit if you’ve farmed some of the mats yourself. That would be the quickest and easiest way to do it.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Buying T5 fine mats and selling high demand forge-food rares is a pretty decent profit if you’ve farmed some of the mats yourself. That would be the quickest and easiest way to do it.

Oh wow did some research and that does work! Thankyou

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SET.3275


Make rare greatswords and sell them on TP or play for precursor on the toilet.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Forge superior siege weapons and support your server ^^

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Send them to me so I can make superior siege! My server and I appreciate the donations!

(Or you could, I guess, support your own server too…….)

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Calae.1738


If you use artificer; you can convert elder wood, mithril and 15 of any tier 5 crafting materials into lvl 80 rares. You then proceed to salvage these rares for globs of ectoplasms.

This is the most cost efficient way I have found to convert tier 5 crafting materials into ectoplasms.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: SET.3275


If you use artificer; you can convert elder wood, mithril and 15 of any tier 5 crafting materials into lvl 80 rares. You then proceed to salvage these rares for globs of ectoplasms.

This is the most cost efficient way I have found to convert tier 5 crafting materials into ectoplasms.

You can get 26-28s (with the taxes) if you just sell the materials needed for the cheapest weapon you can make. Scepter or focus need 27 elder wood (30c each), 12 mithril(40c) and 15 of T5 material.
1 glob currently is 22s50c – 23s.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ensign.2189


This is the most cost efficient way I have found to convert tier 5 crafting materials into ectoplasms.

A more efficient way is to sell those T5 materials as greatswords or staves, and then buying ectoplasm with the proceeds.

T5 materials are much, much more valuable as high-demand rare weapons for people feeding them to the forge than for salvaging.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Calae.1738


It’s true I forgot how low globs have gone down and how much higher elder wood logs have climbed in price. I usually do this in bulk of 100+ and haven’t converted T5 mats to globs in a long while.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zellax.7821


i did around 50 greatswords yesterday after making a mistake of accidentally crafting the masterword mithril plated dowels last week with my stack of skale and claw T5 mats instead of the rare one.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I did about 50 yesterday as well. I made a custom sell order of half way between the highest buy order and the lowest sell order, which was around 37.4 silver at the time. All swords sold within 2 minutes. Considering selling the materials straight up was going to sell for around 28.4 silver, I made an additional profit of around 4.5 gold.

What to do with my Mithril and Elder

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Solo.9027


I did about 50 yesterday as well. I made a custom sell order of half way between the highest buy order and the lowest sell order, which was around 37.4 silver at the time. All swords sold within 2 minutes. Considering selling the materials straight up was going to sell for around 28.4 silver, I made an additional profit of around 4.5 gold.

The reason this works is because you appear as the lowest seller and people forging for precursors just filter by lowest price.

Sometimes you can get away with higher sell prices with a little time waiting if you check how many of the item are for sale and how far apart the listed prices are. For example, if 10 total are for sale with 2 at 10c and 8 at 20c listing for 9c is not wise unless its a very slow move item. One thing is for sure though, never sell to buy orders unless you absolutely need the money rite nao.