(edited by Keiran.1896)
Why are prices not dropping
Where are you getting 2s? They used to be close to 40s and now they’re around 20s.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
Close to 40s? Okay then my memory is failing…
But still, 27s is still kinda hight for something that I can get 10 times a day while playing only one hour hunting bosses.
I was selling my rares for 35-38s 2 weeks ago, they’ve dropped a hell of alot
Asura – Desolation
Since their peak on 2/15, ectos have fallen 33%, that’s a massive decrease in price. You can’t ever look at these things from a “how much am I willing to pay” perspective as that’s related to your own personal demand curve, and not the market’s. I don’t think anyone can seriously claim a price falling by a third is a small drop.
As for your “10 times a day…only one hour” point, that doesn’t scale. You can only open most (if not all) of those chests once per day. CoF has a big effect on molten cores/lodestones because a player can open the chests in there as many times as they’re willing to put in the effort. Even if you kill Grenth every single time he spawns, you can only open the chest once (yes I’m ignoring the guesting option [assuming they haven’t fixed that yet] because the cap still exists and can only be raised slightly by abusing a mechanic which does take significant effort).
I’m having crappy luck (darn RNG :p) getting ectos out of rares (or runes even) using Master’s Kit so I sell rares and yes, the prices have dropped a bit from the 30s range to the 20s range.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Actually, I’ve stopped doing dragons and temples now that they’re power point slide shows for me. Most of the time I couldn’t even see the mobs, I just mashed my auto-attack in the direction everyone else is attacking. Not fun, and not particularly rewarding because I don’t get the drops I used to. It’s gotten so bad that people are actually messing with the Dragon Timers so they aren’t accurate.
Everybody has gotten crazy over these chests, and I don’t understand why. I get more money and have more fun just running around in my magic find stuff. In 30 or 40 minutes of running around I end up with 1-4 rares, plenty of T5/T6 crafting materials, karma and cash from events, a bunch of greens to flush down the mystic toilet, and a bunch of blues to vendor. I didn’t spend a bunch of money hopping from way point to way point either.
Basically, my point is that there are more forces at work than a simple X chests * Y farmers = X rares per day calculation.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
I’m actually surprised they havn’t dropped more. With the timer websites and guesting (although I don’t guest), 10 chests in an hour really isn’t out of line. You can open them once per character per day and there are at least 10 chests you can open per character. Just think if you have multiple 70+ lvl characters…
Between normal leveling activities and playing I did as many chests as I could get to in an afternoon on just 3 characters. I ended up with 3 exotics and 25 rares. That’s pretty good for an afternoon and much better than any afternoon spent farming in Orr that I’ve done.
There does appear to be a pretty good chance of an exotic from the chests and hence, a good chance of a precursor which is why I am doing them. Loot wise though, I make a lot more from doing Orr with the recently added bags and T5/T6 drops, hence what I am surprised hasn’t dropped more, is the price of mats…
There does appear to be a pretty good chance of an exotic from the chests and hence, a good chance of a precursor which is why I am doing them. Loot wise though, I make a lot more from doing Orr with the recently added bags and T5/T6 drops, hence what I am surprised hasn’t dropped more, is the price of mats…
Mat prices haven’t dropped because even though they increased the bag drops they also nerfed the farming events into the gutter. Even with the increased drops I get about 1/10 the amount of loot I used to farming since all I do is stand in front of 1 champion and beat on him for 5 minutes and if I get lucky he doesn’t vanish and I get a blue drop.
Since farming is less profitable less people do it so mat prices overall seem to be staying the same.
In terms of supply and demand, it seems that while supply has gone up, so is demand. Ofc not so much as we have seen prices drop from 40s to 25s.
There is a steady demand for ectos, since so many end-game items require them. It might be the case that many of the chest farmers are saving the ectos for their own purpose of use: whether it be for buying exotics for alt or the new ascended accessories with the laurels. Increased supply and the prices dropping might have encouraged some people to start investing in ectos while they may have previously perceived them more out of reach.
People like me?
When ectos were 40+ and rising my thoughts were kitten ever getting enough for a legendary when OMG i got a rare i sold the ecto. When the changes hit i got interested again followed the price and put in orders for a couple of hundred in the 26’s where the price seemed to be stabilising.
I guess there are people who like me who might not like paying 26 for an ecto but prefer it to 42 thats a lot of demand that needs to work though the system.
Add in we have seen drop rates increased then the change reversed so many times i wanted to get my gift of fortune done before drop rates were nerfed and the price headed back into the 30s
Even though I have been doing the chest events like mad, I haven’t put many rares into the market myself. Most of the rares I salvage for ectos, unless the rare is worth more than the cost of an Ecto, which isn’t often. Those ectos I get from salvaging go to my legendary fund (mystic clovers et al.) and ascended accessories. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot of people like me hoarding their rares/ectos (since every top tier item and it’s mother seem to need them) rather than circulating them into the economy.
You have what you have because you do what you do.