Why can't we earn gold during Events!

Why can't we earn gold during Events!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lejean.9615


In GW1 we could earn huge amounts of platinum: farming sweets, ToT bags from vaettirs and many, many other things… And now? What happened? I know, and you know – 90% of halloween items are account bound/soulbound or other bound T_T You can farm useless things like corns. And tonics? Armors? Gifts? Bound, of course. And those pumpkins, chocolate and cinamon were one HUGE SPECULATION, and I lost some GOLD because of that. 90% of items being -bound doesn’t allow us to earn money, like in GW1 we were able to.
PS: Tonics could be non-bound. Slippers too.

Why can't we earn gold during Events!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I agree, the original intent I think was to keep inflation low and Gold farmers in check, but there is now massive deflation. I thought about crafting a Halloween Amulet until I noticed the TP price was less than 1/20th the cost of crafting it. LOL.

At least they made some things account bound and not soulbound.

Why can't we earn gold during Events!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BluHaze.4629


You forget, it’s childsplay to inflate a market, but nearly impossible to bring those numbers back down to something more grounded in reality later on.

It was easier to make money hand over fist in GW1, you are correct about that, however you also have to look at the repercussions of that as well. Most transactions other than the most basic items couldn’t even be traded with actual currency anymore because of how broken everything was after a while.

Since each individual transaction is limited to 1000 platinum, people resorted to using Ectoplasm, Zaishen Keys, Armbraces, etc as a player created currency.

Anet wants to avoid such massive inflation by making things a bit tough early on then slowly raising the bar a bit until things stabilize and they have the numbers where they want them.

Why can't we earn gold during Events!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I never played GW1 so I’m not going to use that comparison.

The issue is that excessive deflation is as damaging as excessive inflation.

Casual crafting essentially has no value. So is harvesting most low level nodes. When 95%+ of the drops & crafted items listed on the TP are at vendor price there is a problem. It has shifted gameplay and user experience from what I think the designers intended.

Managing any economy is tough I will grant that, but perhaps the tweaks should come in a little bit faster. Small so they aren’t so noticeable and allow pro Traders to easily speculate/manipulate. For example a few % point increase or decrease in drop rates here and there, more recipies that use up cheap mats to make something really valuable.

In a way they tried some of that by making you use 100s of candy corns to craft something, but what you ended up crafting after wasting all those mats isn’t valuable and has similar stats to something you can craft more easily.