Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Revans.2018


This is one of those things that has two sides and there will always be a lot of people that say it’s ok and then there’s the other side that says it’s not. Neither is right or wrong because it’s simply an opinion.

My opinion is that it’s not ok, but I’m more interested in Anet’s reason behind this decision. I can’t find a quote because it’s been so long, but I distinctly remember an Anet post about how much work it would take to get one and that there would be much respect for those who earned through their achievements in the game. I can’t prove it, but I also remember a separate comment saying that they would never be able to be sold. Maybe they always were and it’s only until now that we’ve seen legendaries on the TP. I know everyone has their own opinion on the subject, but I want to know why Anet is ok with it. I know people have their own thoughts and you can share them. Now that we know that selling them is part of the game, are we ok with it?

@ Anet: Why is it ok to purchase legendaries with nothing but gold?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: laharl.8435


There’s already a thread going for this topic.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jure Simich.6154

Jure Simich.6154

Why not?

Actually, I’d rather know why such items should exist at all. I didn’t buy this game to have to watch others prance around, so why do such extremely hard to get items have to exist at all? For the effort of making one legendary or special exotic, we could have got a dozen regular skins instead…

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

there have always been possible to search for legendarys in the trading post. I dont see why selling it is such a big deal.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Valento.9852


It does not feel legendary anymore no matter what they say, just became an ordinary item rarity. Could even change the name for something more appropriate.

Attempts at ele specs:

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vol.5241


How is this any different than buying gems to gold so you can purchase the mats for the legendary?

The only things that you can’t buy:
-world completion
-skillpoints (though you can buy this through paying to level crafting)

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Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Revans.2018


How is this any different than buying gems to gold so you can purchase the mats for the legendary?

The only things that you can’t buy:
-world completion
-skillpoints (though you can buy this through paying to level crafting)

Don’t forget the 500 wvw badges/dungeon badges. It’s true that limitless gold will make the process easier, but the ~one million karma/world completion/wvw/dungeons isnt something so easy to entirely write off.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


How is this any different than buying gems to gold so you can purchase the mats for the legendary?

The only things that you can’t buy:
-world completion
-skillpoints (though you can buy this through paying to level crafting)

Don’t forget the 500 wvw badges/dungeon badges. It’s true that limitless gold will make the process easier, but the ~one million karma/world completion/wvw/dungeons isnt something so easy to entirely write off.

Infact .. these things are what makes crafting Legendary fun so If someone is buying Legendary from TP is only his choice not to do these things.

When someone is fully geared, in the best gear, Legendary, T3, Ascended, etc. He will do wvw, events, dungeons anyways.

So either that player will quit after buying the Legendary from TP or he will do these things which he would do in the process of crafting Legendary anyways So smart player would craft the Legendary instead of buying it.

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Why not? If ppl wanna spend on gems, it’s good for Anet, they can hire more ppl for updates. I’ll slowly farm my own legendary, together.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ulion.5476


Well putting anything on TP means you expect to make a profit from it. The price of legendaries on TP should cost 50-100% more gold than it would to make them. Their are no players stupid enough to buy a legendary off of TP or invest few hudred dollars on a imagines game weapon.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
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Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Revans.2018


Their are no players stupid enough to buy a legendary off of TP or invest few hudred dollars on a imagines game weapon.

I know a few people that make literally thousands of gold on the TP, just playing the TP. I also know that there’s a lot more out there beyond just the few that I know. The issue is being able to buy a legendary with some clever TP skills. There are already offers over 1000 gold for several legendaries.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Because I don’t have the desire to farm the mats and pray to Zommoros to get a legendary. I would rather play how I like to play and buy one when I get around to it.

It’s a luxury item and I don’t understand why some of you people care that others want to make money off of their crafting success.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Either way, the only real obstacle is gold.

1) 500 badges- 20 days of jumping
2) 1m Karma- Zerging in Orr
3) Exploration- Huge time sink
4) 300ish Skill Points- #2 and #3

How does this make someone “worthy” or more “deserving” of a legendary? How does it make a Legendary more special?

All the regulars in my guild have obtained these. The only reason they don’t have a Legendary is because they don’t have the Gold.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ulion.5476


I know a few people that make literally thousands of gold on the TP, just playing the TP. I also know that there’s a lot more out there beyond just the few that I know. The issue is being able to buy a legendary with some clever TP skills. There are already offers over 1000 gold for several legendaries.

I am saying it is cheaper to make your on legendary than to buy on off of TP. I was not question if some player have the money. It was a statement about the players with the money should already have their legendary by now. The few players with the money capable to buy a legendary on TP will know it is cheaper to make it themselves.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

(edited by Ulion.5476)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294


I’m confused. Are you jealous that you can’t make a Legendary? Or are you mad that you can’t afford to buy one?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Valento.9852


Everyone arguments jealousy, but gold grinding isn’t the only answer for something being “legendary”, still think these weapons lost their purpose.

Attempts at ele specs:

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Everyone arguments jealousy, but gold grinding isn’t the only answer for something being “legendary”, still think these weapons lost their purpose.

Yes, because I’m sure farming 9k gold isn’t a legendary task in and of itself.

And yes, buying enough Gems to convert to 9k gold is also a legendary feat.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


Everyone arguments jealousy, but gold grinding isn’t the only answer for something being “legendary”, still think these weapons lost their purpose.

Yes, because I’m sure farming 9k gold isn’t a legendary task in and of itself.

And yes, buying enough Gems to convert to 9k gold is also a legendary feat.

Oh, please stop using the 9k off the TP as an argument. We all know that price is lunatic, and will never be paid by anyone for a legendary and is bound to go down drastically as soon as there is competition on the market.
I do agree with most people that whoever wanted to buy a legendary in the past could buy most of its components anyway. Even with legendary prices going down to 2000 and below, it would require an insane amount of gold-farming or real money to get one of those off the trading post.
With that being said, I’m still of the opinion that having legendaries pop up on the market as tradeable goods makes them loose a lot of their emotional value. I know this is an irrational thing to say but seeing them pop up next to pieces of candy corn, iron ore and butter as a regular trade item to a certain extend makes them lose their appeal.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sicktor.7285


I understand that anet made this as an escape for people who hate farming items all day. But on the other hand when you do finally craft it that feeling is pretty awesome. So I don’t think it is irrational at all to say that it carries emotional value, that’s what made these pieces so great to begin with isn’t it?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

If this item carries such a high emotional value, the owner will less likely sell it for such a low price like 2k gold. Remember, the prices that pop up on the main TP screen are BUY ORDERS. With all the time invested in making a Legendary, I’m sure no one currently, or in the near future, will sell it for that low.

With that said, if you think it loses it’s appeal, don’t make one. Or better yet, make one, and sell it to me for 2k.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


If I’m not completely mistaken, a legendary was on the market just yesterday for 1750 gold. (There was a thread about it.)
Also, the buy order prices for Twilight and The Inicnerator are now below 1000 gold, which indicates that a few for around 2000 have actually been sold.
Unfortunately I think prices of 2000 gold and lower for precursor are a reality we will have to live with.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: roostapro.9827


I think it is fine (Finally….I could see the Incinerator stats at long last, and now i want it due to its PvT stats ;-;).

anyway, nobody will buy them unless they have disposable income, which….for 1 weapon is not worth it.

(Incinerator is reasonably priced, the first decently priced leggy on tp, but still…nobody will buy it)

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Valento.9852


I am still lacking a precursor, seeing these legendaries being sold is a royal punch in the face. Thanks for that, ANet.

Attempts at ele specs:

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Revans.2018


anyway, nobody will buy them unless they have disposable income, which….for 1 weapon is not worth it.

For a few of people it is worth it, legendaries have already been sold and more and more are getting closer to finally being sold as time goes by. As long as the option is there, people will buy them. The question is, is that ok?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


anyway, nobody will buy them unless they have disposable income, which….for 1 weapon is not worth it.

For a few of people it is worth it, legendaries have already been sold and more and more are getting closer to finally being sold as time goes by. As long as the option is there, people will buy them. The question is, is that ok?

Yes it is okey. They were soulbound on use from start, you could trade them as you wanted from release. And If you found now, after 3 months of game, then you should be ashamed because of lack of knowledge you have about something you obviously care so much.

Legendary weapons are just extremly expensive crafted weapons. NOTHING ELSE. They are NOT some ultimate endgame story weapons. So I should be able to sell them if I want. I am the one who harvested every material, right?

They wont gonna change it. And players should get used to it.

P.S.: The best thing what makes me really but really lol are those topics like, Legendaries on TP? Tradeable Legendaries? NOT only they are 3 months late but these topics dont even come at same time, its hillarious how some people think they found America but there were already topics asking the same question I almost die laughting reading those posts
Also players who rage because now their Legendary weapons are worthless, really ?

I am close to finish my second Legendary now and I am glad to know I have weapons worth thousands of gold.

Guys just go enjoy christmas and stop raging about something so trivial …

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sicktor.7285


Go sell your harvested materials then.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


Already doing that +Maybe I should sell the second Legendary I am crafting right now, so some rich kid can buy it with his dads money. U mad?

Or I am thinking about buying gems and buy myself a third legendary, like Bolt:) I will see, what do you think guys, Bolt or Sunrise?

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


@ Kacigarka.5176

You go girl.

So what is the problem again with legendaries being sold? I don’t get it either.
The only problem here (besides the outrageous prices) is the gift of mastery – that’s it.

This topic is full of rage, yet you forget we live in a capitalistic world.

Get over it.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nepumuk.6071


It seems the major effort of getting a legendary is all about grinding money. So selling them on the TP is the last consequence to cheapen the accomplishment of getting one even more.

It would be nice if there would be something more epic about the journey to get the legendary. I heard about a quest to be added to get a precursor. I think that’s the right direction and cannot wait for it. But all legendaries should obviously also be account bound and not subject to trade between players.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kacigarka.5176


It seems the major effort of getting a legendary is all about grinding money. So selling them on the TP is the last consequence to cheapen the accomplishment of getting one even more.

It would be nice if there would be something more epic about the journey to get the legendary. I heard about a quest to be added to get a precursor. I think that’s the right direction and cannot wait for it. But all legendaries should obviously also be account bound and not subject to trade between players.

They are just expensive crafted weapons mate. CRAFTED. So they should obviously also be soulbound on use.

And If you think gaining 2000+ gold is easy go try it its atleast 1000x harder than gaining wvw badges, 1M karma, etc. I can do that in a month. So some accomplishment of getting one should still be in place.
I already crafted juggernaut and now I am half way done with shield and I am really looking forward to craft it, dont care if they are on TP at all.

Why you all think Legendary weapons should involve some epic journey or whatever? They are just expensive crafted skins. Playing the game should be the ’’epic’’ journey you looking for, if you dont enjoy doing wvw for badges, dungeons for karma, gold, events, etc.

If you dont enjoy actual way of obtaining Legendary weapons then you dont enjoy Guild wars 2. Because crafting Legendary requires you to do almost every aspect of this game.

You dont need to grind money, you can simply play the game, one day do dungeons, one day do events in orr, one day do wvw and all those golds and materials will come along. IT ONLY INVOVES GRINDING if you choose to and you are unpatient and you want your Legendary in a 3 months. Start beeing patient and you dont need to grind ever

(edited by Kacigarka.5176)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

People are mad that Legendaries are so easy to get now that they see it on the TP. So to that I say: Go buy one from the TP and prove how easy it is.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Tbh, everything should be sellable. You are selling your time when you sell stuff. Perhaps people play the TP, but that is time spent. If someone spent the time to farm and trade on the TP and does not wish to use a legendary they should be able to sell their time…

This is one of the fundamentals of capitalism.


(edited by xxxzavulonxxx.8413)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mandar.9813


Not reading any of the responses to answer the OP Topic question….

…..because being able to sell them “commercializes” the weapons, and thus makes them more afforadable. This sucks for the people who have invested a lot and still are, but early adopters always pay a higher price for the prestige. Overall, I think many players have said “kitten it” when they learn what it takes for a legendary, and with the current and past costs, I think a legendary is currently one of those things that only the people with the most time on their hands get. With that said, I’d like to think that anet didn’t intend the acquiring of a legendary to be a process of just farming gold, and thus anything that makes the price of attaining one more reasonable is….reasonable to me!

Your Resident Devil’s Advocate

(edited by Mandar.9813)

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

I wish ascended would get sold on TP too.. I mean if legendary (the creme de la creme of equips) are allowed to be traded, why not the gear that is 1 tier lower?

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Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I think buying legendaries will be useful to people that have already made one or two themselves.

It’s pretty likely that for your first legendary, you’ll have the karma, skill points and all that before you have the money. Since it’s cheaper in gold by quite a bit to make them yourself (along with the karma, skill points etc) than it is to buy one on the TP, most people won’t buy their first legendary on the TP.

But for those wanting a second (and especially a third, or fourth etc) it’ll be more common for people to have the money first, not the skill points, karma, maybe they used up their gifts of exploration etc. Obviously that’s a tiny fraction of the population, but they exist. That would be who would buy these.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I wish ascended would get sold on TP too.. I mean if legendary (the creme de la creme of equips) are allowed to be traded, why not the gear that is 1 tier lower?

At least when it comes to the rings, I can see why they’re account bound.

I run a good amount of fractals (but not nearly as much as many do) and still have a few rows of rings I’m never going to use just sitting in my bank. Surely many others do as well. I think being able to sell them would basically trivialize the ring slot over time. If the change was made tomorrow to allow people to sell them, they probably would still sell for a high enough amount to not kill all other ring markets, but it’s on its way in that direction.

A year from now, all the ascended rings would probably be selling for 20s (and the less desirable ones probably for 8s), just due to the drop nature of the daily, along with the fact you get 1/10th of a ring just doing the daily anyway because of those new pristine fractal relics.

You might say “Well that’s dumb if they were that worthless a lot less people would run fractals period, that would raise the price back up”. You would be right too, if the game stayed in its current state. Of course we have more ascended gear coming for other slots and surely it’ll involve running fractals for something. So people will continue playing in the fractals for that stuff, while the rings just keep piling up.

It’s probably better in this case to just allow non fractal goers other ways to obtain rings (which seems to be the plan anyway), rather than outright allowing their sale on the TP.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


The answer is as obvious as it is simple:

Because nobody can afford them anyway.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Latorn.4209


Legendaries are supposed to be the highest achievement a player can get, a culmination of all their hardwork, and yet it’s purchasable with actually money (regardless of how much)? Terrible decision in my opinion.

Regardless of whether or not it’s horizontal progression or vertical progression, buying legendaries off the TP is Pay2Win.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Selling a Legendary on TP is okay, because the only way to get enough gold is to gold.

The only way to buy gold legitematly is with dollars from anet.

And that is why you can buy legendaries: so that Anet makes more dollars.

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Regardless of whether or not it’s horizontal progression or vertical progression, buying legendaries off the TP is Pay2Win.

You fail to realize that Legendaries have the same stats as Exotics. And once Ascended weapons come out, they’ll be the same as those. I’m sorry you don’t understand that doesn’t count as Pay 2 Win.

Legendaries are supposed to be the highest achievement a player can get, a culmination of all their hardwork, and yet it’s purchasable with actually money (regardless of how much)? Terrible decision in my opinion.

….because being able to sell them “commercializes” the weapons, and thus makes them more afforadable.

They’re affordable? So how many Legendaries have you purchased in the last few days?

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LFk.1408


Regardless of whether or not it’s horizontal progression or vertical progression, buying legendaries off the TP is Pay2Win.

What do you win? A costume contest?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Regardless of whether or not it’s horizontal progression or vertical progression, buying legendaries off the TP is Pay2Win.

What do you win? A costume contest?

It’s only a matter of time before Legendaries get better stats than other weapons. It will happen with the first paid expansion when the item level of all gear will rise along with maximum character level (confirmed by devs). Normal gear will simply be obsolete and we’ll have to grind new exotics/ascended. There’s no info on what will happen to legendaries yet, but I bet it’s going to be infusion process giving them superior stats to all other weapons.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Regardless of whether or not it’s horizontal progression or vertical progression, buying legendaries off the TP is Pay2Win.

What do you win? A costume contest?

There is no pay2win, currently. Legendaries are just a skin for now. It’s a known fact that sometime in the future, Legendaries will get a bump up to ‘ascended’ stat level, making them on-par with ascended and better than exotic. What we don’t know is how we will obtain these ascended weapons. If ascended weapons are bound on acquire, then tradable Legendaries will have a pay2win factor.

As for lengendary weapons be ok to sell/buy on the TP. No. It is absolutely not ok for them to be tradable. The entire advertised point of Legendary weapons was that they were something you have to make yourself. They require items which are all account bound, and obsidian shards were originally character bound. It doesn’t make any sense that a pile of account bound items are able to craft a tradable weapon. This is either a massive oversight of the bound status of the weapons or a large step away from the originally advertised aspects of Legendary items.

For reference, the info for “originally intended/advertised” acquisition of Legendaries if from this Q&A video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Y-YBsK17j6I#t=401s It is made very clear that Legendaries are not(or were not) supposed to be something you can just buy on the TP.

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Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


It’s only a matter of time before Legendaries get better stats than other weapons. It will happen with the first paid expansion when the item level of all gear will rise along with maximum character level (confirmed by devs).

They said legendaries would automatically upgrade to the next tier – ascended – and adding a new tier is supposed to be a one time thing, if everything goes smoothly. They never said anything about legendaries scaling in level.

Sure they could end up scaling, but probably not. They’re way too cheap for a permanently “the best” item and they’ll only get easier to make in expansions, assuming the current material trend is kept.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


It’s only a matter of time before Legendaries get better stats than other weapons. It will happen with the first paid expansion when the item level of all gear will rise along with maximum character level (confirmed by devs).

They said legendaries would automatically upgrade to the next tier – ascended – and adding a new tier is supposed to be a one time thing, if everything goes smoothly. They never said anything about legendaries scaling in level.

Sure they could end up scaling, but probably not. They’re way too cheap for a permanently “the best” item and they’ll only get easier to make in expansions, assuming the current material trend is kept.

Did you just call an 800g – 1kg+ weapon “way too cheap”?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chuo.4238


It cheapens the accomplishment of crafting a legendary if someone with a lot of disposable real-life money can just buy gems, convert them, and buy the Legendary. Why would I want to spend all that time and effort to craft a Legendary?

From the day the first one appeared on the TP, I stopped wanting a Legendary. I won’t make one now, because anyone can just buy one with real money. Lame.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


It’s only a matter of time before Legendaries get better stats than other weapons. It will happen with the first paid expansion when the item level of all gear will rise along with maximum character level (confirmed by devs).

They said legendaries would automatically upgrade to the next tier – ascended – and adding a new tier is supposed to be a one time thing, if everything goes smoothly. They never said anything about legendaries scaling in level.

Sure they could end up scaling, but probably not. They’re way too cheap for a permanently “the best” item and they’ll only get easier to make in expansions, assuming the current material trend is kept.

I don’t think you get it.

What ANet has long confirmed is the increase of level cap for characters in expansions.

Higher level cap = higher item level cap. Your lvl 80 exotics and ascended will pale in comparison to the lvl 100 exotics/ascended. Now, I doubt ANet will create entirely another item level of Legendaries fully obsoleting the current one (although they’ve done stanger things), but a process of a kind for upgrading them at enormous cost is guaranteed. Mind you, your weapon has stats equal to about three pieces of armor or trinkets, and on top of that your weapon is an independent multiplier of all your direct damage. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes “pay to win”.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


It cheapens the accomplishment of crafting a legendary if someone with a lot of disposable real-life money can just buy gems, convert them, and buy the Legendary. Why would I want to spend all that time and effort to craft a Legendary?

From the day the first one appeared on the TP, I stopped wanting a Legendary. I won’t make one now, because anyone can just buy one with real money. Lame.

The only difference is the gift of mastery, before that anyone with enough real life cash could convert all the gems into gold and simply work on that one very simple to achieve gift.
So nothing here really changed, and if anything, that idiot who does buy a legendary off the TP buys it for ALOT more than its actual worth.

So you’d really pass on your own legendary because someone skipped 1/4th of the req.?

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Revans.2018


The only difference is the gift of mastery, before that anyone with enough real life cash could convert all the gems into gold and simply work on that one very simple to achieve gift.

I think there’s more to it than just that “one very simple to achieve gift.”

outside of the gift of mastery you still need about 500,000 karma and 1,000,000 total. Don’t forget dungeon tokens and wvw. There’s a lot of people that really struggle with 500 wvw badges.

Why is selling a Legendary on the TP ok?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


The only difference is the gift of mastery, before that anyone with enough real life cash could convert all the gems into gold and simply work on that one very simple to achieve gift.

I think there’s more to it than just that “one very simple to achieve gift.”

outside of the gift of mastery you still need about 500,000 karma and 1,000,000 total. Don’t forget dungeon tokens and wvw. There’s a lot of people that really struggle with 500 wvw badges.

That’s gift of mastery buddy.
But I admit I forgot about the clovers, still, only 500k… nothing to shed a tear for.